Sou apaixonado por games, livros, esportes e tenho grande interesse em robótica, programação e I.A. Atualmente procurando aprender tecnologias relacionadas a machine learning, I.A., ciência de dados e desenvolvimento mobile
🚀 Sempre aprendendo 💪
😊 Posso dar uma ajudinha em Python HTML, CSS, Javascript e React Native
📖 Procurando aprender: Python, React Native, Javascript e Nodejs
💬 Sobre mim: Curto games, tecnologias, livros, séries, filmes, animes e esportes
📧 Entre em contato comigo:
I'm games enthusiast, book lover, sports fan and I have great interest in robotics, programming and A.I. Currently looking to learn about technologies related to machine learning, A.I., data science and mobile development
🚀 Always learning 💪
😊 Can give a little help with Python, HTML, CSS, Javascript and React Native
📖 Looking to learn: Python, React Native, Javascript and Nodejs
💬 About me: I like games, technologies, books, series, movies, animes and sports
📧 Get in touch with me: