Handy if you can't remember all the PHP stuff!
Spotted a mistake? Nice addition? Open a PR!
$myFirstVariable = "Test"; //string
$mySecondVariable = 1; //int
$myThirdVariable = 1.1; //float
$myFirstArray = ["Alessandro","Bram","Sam"]; //array
$myFirstArray = array("Alessandro","Bram","Sam"); //array
$isWrong = true; //boolean
//If loop
if($isWrong) {
echo "This is wrong";
//If/else loop
if(!$isWrong) {
echo "This is not wrong";
echo "This is wrong";
//If/Else If/Else loop
$x = "M";
if($x === "Z"){
echo "x is the last letter of the alphabet";
}else if($x === "A"){
echo "x is the first letter of the alphabet";
echo "x is not the first and not the last letter of the alphabet";
$x = 1;
switch ($x){
case 1:
echo "x is equal to 1";
case 2:
echo "x is equal to 2";
case 3:
echo "x is equal to 3";
echo "x is not 1,2 or 3";
$teachers = ["Alessandro","Sam"];
foreach ($teachers as $key => $teacher){
echo "$key $teacher <br>";
//=> 0 Alessandro
//=> 1 Sam
$teachers = ["Alessandro","Sam"];
for($i = 0;$i < count($teachers);$i++){
echo "$i $teachers[$i] <br>";
//=> 0 Alessandro
//=> 1 Sam
$i = 0;
$teachers = ["Alessandro","Sam"];
while($i < count($teachers)){
echo "$i $teachers[$i] <br>";
//=> 0 Alessandro
//=> 1 Sam
$i = 0;
$teachers = ["Alessandro","Sam"];
do {
echo "$i $teachers[$i] <br>";
} while($i < count($teachers));
//=> 0 Alessandro
//=> 1 Sam
//=> 2 null
$x = 1;
$y = 2;
echo addNumbers($x,$y);
function addNumbers($firstParam,$secondParam){
return $firstParam + $secondParam;
//=> 3
$x = 0;
echo addTen($x);
function addTen($param){
$param = $param + 10;
echo $param;
if($param < 100){
addTen($param); //Calls itself
//=> 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
//=> array(2) { [0]=> string(10) "Alessandro" [1]=> string(3) "Sam" }
//url: https://alessandroaussems.be?name=Alessandro&age=23
echo $_GET["name"];
echo $_GET["age"];
//=> Alessandro 23
<form method="POST">
<input type="text" name="first_name" value="Alessandro">
<input type="text" name="age" value="23">
echo $_POST["first_name"];
echo $_POST["age"];
//=> Alessandro 23
$_SESSION["first_name"] = "Alessandro";
echo $_SESSION["first_name"];
//=> Alessandro
setcookie("first_name","Alessandro",time() + 3600); //Expires after 1h
echo $_COOKIE["first_name"];
//=> Alessandro
$connection = new PDO(
$insertStatement = $connection->prepare('INSERT INTO students (first_name, last_name, note) VALUES (:firstName,:lastName,:note)');
$insertStatement->bindParam('firstName', $_POST['first_name']);
$insertStatement->bindParam('lastName', $_POST['last_name']);
$insertStatement->bindParam('note', $_POST['note']);
try {
$connection = new PDO(
} catch(\Exception $exception) {
echo $exception->getMessage();