A collection of my Google Apps Script code, primarily for automating Gmail.
- append_too_old_labels.gs - add a label to old email threads in your inbox indicating how many days old they are.
- auto_expire.gs - automatically expire emails so they don't spend too long in your inbox.
- expire_promotions_tab.gs - automatically expire all emails which Gmail categorizes into the "Promotions" tab (combined with auto_expire.gs).
- log_inbox_count.gs - log the number of threads in your inbox.
- log_oldest_email_age.gs - log the age of the oldest message thread in your inbox.
- Visit https://script.google.com/ and create a script for "Blank Project".
- Paste the file in.
- Follow additional instructions at the top of the file, e.g. to set configuration variables.
- Click the name "Untited project" at the top of the screen and change it to something descriptive of what the script does.
- In the menu at the top of the screen, go to Resources -> Current project's triggers. This is where you will set your script to run regularly. The instructions at the top of the file should indicate which function and how often.
- Profit!