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ActivityValidator tests updated describe blocks to be method names ba… #235

ActivityValidator tests updated describe blocks to be method names ba…

ActivityValidator tests updated describe blocks to be method names ba… #235

GitHub Actions / Unit Test Results succeeded Mar 11, 2024 in 0s

108 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ platform/reports/TESTS-Chrome_Headless_122.0.6261.111_(Linux_x86_64).xml

109 tests were completed in 531ms with 108 passed, 0 failed and 1 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Chrome Headless 122.0.6261.111 (Linux x86_64) 108✅ 1⚪ 531ms

✅ Chrome Headless 122.0.6261.111 (Linux x86_64)

  ✅ Utility arrayEquals - arrays with an any wildcard always match the corresponding element
  ✅ Utility parseConfigFile - an unknown file type returns null
  ✅ Utility parseConfigFile - an invald yaml file returns an error
  ✅ Utility parseConfigFile - a json file parsed as yaml to an object
  ✅ Utility arrayEquals - when allow any is not enabled, arrays with any wildcard do not match the corresponding element
  ✅ Utility parseConfigFile - an invald json file returns an error
  ✅ Utility arrayEquals - arrays with matching values are the same
  ✅ Utility parseConfigFile - a json file is parsed to an object
  ✅ Utility arrayEquals - arrays with a wildcard and non matchng other element are not the same
  ✅ Utility parseConfigFile - a yaml file is parsed to an object
  ✅ Utility arrayEquals - arrays with the same values in differing order are not the same
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ToolManager panel definitions
  ✅ ToolManager panel definitions returns the correct object for an existing panel definition id
  ✅ ToolManager panel definitions returns null for a panel definition id that does not exist
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ToolManager tool grammar imports
  ✅ ToolManager tool grammar imports correctly loads the ace grammar module for a defined tool
  ✅ ToolManager tool grammar imports correctly loads the URL of the ace grammar for a defined tool
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ToolManager constructor
  ✅ ToolManager constructor can be created
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ToolManager initialisation
  ✅ ToolManager initialisation parses and stores the tool configuration
  ✅ ToolManager initialisation fetches the tool configuration from the remote given by its URL
  ✅ ToolManager initialisation sets tools URLs correctly
  ✅ FunctionRegistry a registered function using wildcards can be found
  ✅ FunctionRegistry a registered function can be looked up
  ✅ FunctionRegistry a single registered function using wildcards can be found
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ToolConfigValidator constructor
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator constructor can be created
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a parameter in the config has no name key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a parameter in the config has no type key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a function in the config has no parameters key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a function in the config has no name key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a panel definition in the config has no icon key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a function in the config has no path key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a panel definition in the config has no panelclass key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a function in the config has no returnType key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a button in the config has no id key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a panel definition in the config has no name key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if the config has no functions key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a function in the config has no id key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a panel definition in the config has no id key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if a button in the config has no id key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if the config has no id key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration returns an error if the config has no name key
  ✅ ToolConfigValidator validate tool configuration reports no errors for a valid config
  ✅ FileHandler githubRawUrlToStoreRequest - returns an object with a token server requestParams member from a raw github file url
  ✅ FileHandler getPrivateFileUpdateParams - returns
  ✅ FileHandler getPrivateFileUpdateParams - returns null for an unknown file url
  ✅ FileHandler getPrivateFileRequestUrl - returns a token server request url from a raw github file url
  ✅ FileHandler getPrivateFileRequestUrl - returns null for an unknown file url
  ✅ FileHandler githubRawUrlToStoreRequest - returns an object with a token server request url member from a raw github file url
  ✅ FileHandler githubRawUrlTorequestUrl - returns a token server request url from a raw github file url
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityManager constructor
  ✅ ActivityManager constructor initialises the configValidator property
  ✅ ActivityManager constructor uses the query string to set the activitiesUrl property
  ✅ ActivityManager constructor initialises the fileHandler property  using param fileHandler
  ✅ ActivityManager constructor can be created
  ✅ ActivityManager constructor initialises the accessPanelDef property using param panelDefAccessor
  ✅ ActivityManager constructor sets the activityId property if the current activity is provided in the url query string
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityManager getting current activity
  ✅ ActivityManager getting current activity the activity files are fetched using FileHandler
  ✅ ActivityManager getting current activity the panel definitions for the current activity references are resolved
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityManager activity initialisation
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation causes the activity file to be fetched from its URL using the fileHandler
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation the panel definitions the current activity references are unresolved
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation current activity activityId property is set to the activity id
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation resolves references for a valid activity by  calling resolveActionReferences with activity id
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation the activities actions property panel references have been resolved
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation the activities property is an object that has required keys
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation the activities property has a key matching the activity id
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation an activities property's value is an object
  ✅ ActivityManager activity initialisation no config errors empty configErrors propererty
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config has no panels key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config has no layout key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config has no tools key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a panel button in config has no id key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration reports no errors for a valid config
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a panel in config has no name key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config has no actions key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a panel button in config has no icon key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a panel in config has no ref key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config has no title key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a panel button ref in config has no ref key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a config action has no output key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config has no id key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a panel in config has no id key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a config action has no sourceButton key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a config action has no parameters key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if the config layout has no area key
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator validate activity configuration returns an error if a config action has no source key
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityConfigValidator constructor
  ✅ ActivityConfigValidator constructor can be created
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityValidator validate()
  ✅ ActivityValidator validate() returns errors if invalid activity and tools are given
  ✅ ActivityValidator validate() returns no errors if valid activity and tools are given
  ✅ ActivityValidator validate() calls all validation functions
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityValidator idExists()
  ✅ ActivityValidator idExists() returns false if an id does not exist in the items
  ✅ ActivityValidator idExists() returns true if an id that exists in the items is found
  ✅ ActivityValidator idExists() returns true if an id that exists in the items is found where the items are classes
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityValidator checkPanelRefs()
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkPanelRefs() returns an error if a panel definition ref is not resolved
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkPanelRefs() returns no errors if panel definition refs are resolved
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityValidator checkPanelDefs()
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkPanelDefs() returns no errors if panel definitions are valid
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkPanelDefs() returns an error if a panel definition button renderfunction ref cannot be resolved
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkPanelDefs() returns an error if a panel definition button actionfunction ref cannot be resolved
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityValidator checkActions()
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkActions() returns an error if output panel ids cannot be resolved
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkActions() returns an error if outputConsole panel ids cannot be resolved
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkActions() returns an error if source panel ids cannot be resolved
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkActions() returns no errors if panel ids can be resolved
Chrome_Headless_122_0_6261_111_(Linux_x86_64).ActivityValidator checkLayoutPanelIdsExist()
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkLayoutPanelIdsExist() returns no errors if panel ids can be resolved
  ✅ ActivityValidator checkLayoutPanelIdsExist() returns an error if a panel ids cannot be resolved
  ✅ ActionFunction object creation - id
  ⚪ ActionFunction instance of a the return type returns the the corresponding id
  ✅ ActionFunction instance of a parameter name returns the the corresponding id
  ✅ Button has an hint set by a config object
  ✅ Button can be created
  ✅ Button has an icon set by a config object
  ✅ Button has an id set by a config object
  ✅ Button createButtons - creates multiple buttons from  an array of button objects
  ✅ Button getView - outputs a DOM representation for customButtons properties