This platform was developed & deployed successfully for hosting Clash- the flagship event of Credenz organised by PISB.
So, here is a quick guide for setup on your PC and host run this platform locally.
git clone -b fullnfinal
install python3-env and pip for creating a envirnoment.
sudo apt-get install python3-venv python3-pip
create a virtual envirnoment:
python3 -m venv env
activate this virtual envirnoment:
source env/bin/activate
installing all required packages which are present in requirement.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
#Note: For installing all the sandboxing packages (i.e required for compilation and running the user's code), run the script by command: sh
Run this application by command:
python runserver
Note: before running the above command, head over to userApp/ and set the end variable (line 22) as per the end time you wish to set for the contest to end.