Do! is an API (Application Programming Interface) Bucketlist Service that empowers you to keep track of those important things you need to get done in your lifetime. Whether you want to see Paris, climb Everest, learn the piano, start a charity or write a will, Do! helps you keep track and live your dreams while you are alive.
You can manage your bucketlists through any app or device combination which you authorize. Do! integration is seamless with any app, giving you a highly customisable and perhaps familiar experience. Before you kick the bucket, Do!
The API documentation can be accessed by clicking: Do! Bucketlist. It explains clearly the rules of engagement with the API in an easily consumable manner. Basic information about the API is given below.
- Create a Do! account
- Create and manage bucketlists
- Create items in your bucketlists
- Track items that have or have not been done/accomplished
- Search for bucketlist or bucketlist items by name
- Paginate and limit search queries at will
- No unauthorized access to your bucketlist
- Integrates seamlessly with any app
- Simultaneous access to your account from all your authorized apps / devices
- Terminate all active access to your bucketlist with one request
The application is designed with Ruby 2.3.1, runs on Rails and uses the Puma server. For a list of all "Ruby Gem" dependencies, take a look at the App's Gemfile.
Below is the list of available endpoints in the BucketList API. Some end points are not available publicly and hence, can only be accessed when you sign up and log in.
End Point | Functionality | Public Access |
POST /users | Creates a new user | TRUE |
POST /auth/login | Logs a user in | TRUE |
GET /auth/logout | Logs a user out off all active authorized apps | FALSE |
POST /api/v1/bucketlists | Create a new bucketlist | FALSE |
GET /api/v1/bucketlists | List all the created bucketlists | FALSE |
GET /bucketlists/:id | Get a single bucketlist | FALSE |
PUT /bucketlists/:id | Update the selected bucketlist | FALSE |
DELETE /bucketlists/:id | Delete the selected bucketlist | FALSE |
POST /bucketlists/:id/items | Creates a new item in the selected bucketlist | FALSE |
GET /bucketlists/:id/items | Lists all items in the selected bucketlist. | FALSE |
GET /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id | Fetches a single bucketlist Item | FALSE |
PUT /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id | Updates a selected bucketlist item | FALSE |
DELETE /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id | Deletes an item in a bucketlist | FALSE |
The Json data model presentation format for Do! is given below:
id: 1,
name: “Travel BucketList”,
items: [
id: 1,
name: “I need to see Paris”,
date_created: “2015-08-12 11:57:23”,
date_modified: “2015-08-12 11:57:23”,
done: False
date_created: “2015-08-12 11:57:23”,
date_modified: “2015-08-12 11:57:23”
created_by: “Donna”
Do! API paginates with 20 results per request by default. However, you can easily specify the number of results per request, as well as the page offset desired. This can be done by supplying the page
and limit
query params in the API request.
A maximum of 100 results per request is permitted.
Example Request:
10 bucketlist records belonging to the logged in user starting from the 11th gets returned.
Users can search for any owned bucketlist by name using the search query parameter q
Example Request:
This returns a list of all bucketlists with names containing "travel".
You will require a basic understanding of "Git" and the "Command Line Interface" to use this application.
You also need access to a steady internet connection for the initial installation.
Clone the repo to a directory on your local machine using git clone command as shown below:
$ git clone
Get into the do directory:
$ cd do
Install dependencies
$ bundle install
Setup / Migrate database
$ rake db:setup
Seed database with data (optional)
$ rake db:seed
Start the puma server
$ rails server
Visit http://localhost:3000
to view the application on your browser.
To test the application, run 'bundle exec rspec' from the do directory after you have installed all the dependencies i.e. using 'bundle install' as previously described.
$ bundle exec rspec
Do! API currently has only one version follow us on Github to stay up to date with new version releases.
- It currently doesn't support admin features and scoping of authorized app permissions
You can contribute to this project by forking the repository on GitHub at We also welcome bug reports and all bugs would be squashed as soon as possible.
Don't leave without fulfilling your dreams. Live it, Do!