A CLI Pokedex tool using PokeAPI built entirely in Go.
Using the help command will return a list of all available commands and their descriptions.
You can also type the name of a command after to get the description of that specific command:
help catch
catch: Attempt to catch a given Pokemon
The release version! This version comes with a basic set of commands.
Commands that fetch from the API are cached. The cache is cleared every 5 seconds by default, but this can be changed by passing in a new time.Duration argument to the pokeCache field in the config in the main.go file:
func main() {
cnfig := config{
pokeapiClient: pokeapi.NewClient(),
pokeCache: pokecache.NewCache(time.Second * 5),
pokedex: map[string]pokeapi.PokemonRes{},
// ...