MockQA is a Functional Testing tool for jQuery projects that has one design goal:
MockQA should Enable front-end developers of all levels to write and run functional tests within minutes from their first encounter. Developers should spend time debugging software, not tests.
Tests are written in a special format designed for simplicity and readability:
# This is a comment. Comments and empty lines are ignored
# Other lines are commands. Most commands have an action and a target.
click #my-button
# Targets are CSS selectors like #some-id, .some-class or a[href].
# jQuery extensions like :text and :password are also allowed.
# In fact, everything that jQuery allows is allowed.
# See:
click #container >
# Some actions require an argument
type #my-input Hello, world.
# Actions, targets and arguments are separated by 2 or more spaces.
# I recommend at least 4 for optimal readability.
# Asserts are special kinds of commands that test the page for a certain condition.
# If an assert fails, the test fails.
# Test if at least one element with class="foobar" is visible:
assertVisible .foobar
# Test if the submit button has the text "GO!":
assertText :submit GO!
# Some asserts don't require a target
assertTitle MockQA Homepage Title
MockQA a work in progress and severely lacking in documentation. For more information visit