add new scope Telephony
and services add Telephony support
add new scope UserConsent
and services add UserConsent support
add new scope Placements
and services add Placements support
add new scope IMOpenLines
and services add IM Open Lines support
add in scope CRM
new service Leads
in scope «CRM» add Leads support
add in scope CRM
new service Activity
in scope «CRM» add Activity support
add in scope CRM
for entity Deal method Services\CRM\Deal\Service\Batch::update
batch update deals
add in scope CRM
for entity Contact method Services\CRM\Contact\Service\Batch::delete
batch delete contacts
add in scope CRM
read models for activity Services\CRM\Activity\ReadModel
for activity types: EmailFetcher
, OpenLineFetcher
, VoximplantFetcher
, WebFormFetcher
add in scope «Main» new service Events
add incoming events support
add support Application level events: ONAPPINSTALL
add incoming events support
add support Application level event: PortalDomainUrlChangedEvent
add method Core\Batch::updateEntityItems
for update items in batch mode and
integration test
add method to interface Core\Contracts\BatchInterface::updateEntityItems
for update items in batch mode
add in scope Placements
service Placement\Service\UserFieldType
for work with user fields embedding
add in scope Telephony
add events: OnExternalCallBackStart
, OnExternalCallStart
, OnVoximplantCallEnd
, OnVoximplantCallEnd
, OnVoximplantCallInit
, OnVoximplantCallStart
see add telephony events
add ApplicationStatus
with application status codes description
add fabric method AccessToken::initFromPlacementRequest
when application init form placement request
add fabric method ApplicationProfile::initFromArray
when application profile stored in ENV-variables
add Bitrix24\SDK\Application\Requests\Placement\PlacementRequest
for application data from placements
add fabric method Credentials::initFromPlacementRequest
when application init form placement request
add method Services\Main\Service::getServerTime
returns current server time in the format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
add method Services\Main\Service::getCurrentUserProfile
return basic Information about the current user without any scopes
add method Services\Main\Service::getAccessName
returns access permission names.
add method Services\Main\Service::checkUserAccess
Checks if the current user has at least one permission of those specified by the ACCESS parameter.
add method Services\Main\Service::getMethodAffordability
Method returns 2 parameters - isExisting and isAvailable
add money type support by phpmoney
add support fields operating
and operating_reset_at
at Bitrix24\SDK\Core\Response\DTO\Time
update scope list расширить и актуализировать доступные скоупы
bump symfony/*
to 6.*
version requirement.
method Services\Main\Service::getAvailableMethods
marks as deprecated
method Services\Main\Service::getAllMethods
marks as deprecated
method Services\Main\Service::getMethodsByScope
marks as deprecated
❗️fabric methods Bitrix24\SDK\Core\Credentials
renamed and now are consistent : createFromWebhook
, createFromOAuth
, createFromPlacementRequest
❗️deleted unused class Bitrix24\SDK\Core\Response\DTO\ResponseDataCollection
❗️deleted redundant class Bitrix24\SDK\Core\Response\DTO\Result
❗️deleted method CoreBuilder::withWebhookUrl
, use
method CoreBuilder::withCredentials
You can’t perform that action at this time.