Well it's a way to simply define plugins for your package, and register them in a special order.
const Registration = require('@kbco/provider');
const Provider = new Registration();
// Provider will register every service in the order you list them in.
'TestProvider': './tests/TestProvider',
'terminal': '@re-base/termianl',
'customProvider': {
register() {
The following is an example service provider which would register two routes with express.
// AuthServiceProvider.js
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const router = require('@kbco/router')(app);
module.exports = {
register() {
router.get('/register', (req, res) => ('Register an account!!'))
router.get('/login', (req, res) => ('Log into your account!!'))
// Returning an object binds the objects to the registered service making
// them more globally accessable.
return router
With Provider, you can register packages that export a register method on an object, or you can register personal packages, or even new classes with just a register method.
I tried to keep it simple, amd easy to use. If you have suggestions for how we can improve the way this works, make a PR or you can make an issue. 😄