Metalibm is available under MIT Licence (see LICENSE file) from
meta-function generation report (master branch):
Documentation (for master branch) is available on gitlab's pages:
- metalibm depends on master branch Pythonsollya (python wrapper to Sollya library).
easy install (if sollya is already installed):
pip install git+
or Pythonsollya can be downloaded from beware that sollya master branch is required for pythonsollya master - Some features of Metalibm require Gappa (
- metalibm depends on master branch Pythonsollya (python wrapper to Sollya library).
easy install (if sollya is already installed):
Python version compatibility: as of version 1.0, metalibm works with python3 (tested with 3.4). A legacy support for python2 (>= 2.7) is maintained but will be dropped soon.
Installation procedure for standard users
- install pythonsollya (and optionally gappa)
- make sure pythonsollya is available in your PYTHONPATH
- make sure metalibm's top directory is in your PYTHONPATH
Example of metafunctions can be found under the metalibm_functions/ directory.
Example to generate a faithful (default) approximation of the exponential function for single precision on a x86 AVX2 target:
python3 metalibm_functions/ --precision binary32 --target x86_avx2 --output x86_avx2_exp2d.c
Explore the other functions of this directory, e.g. :
python3 metalibm_functions/ --help
A more comprehensive user documentation can be found in doc/
Unit-testing (software code generation):
python3 valid/
Unit-testing (hardware code generation):
python3 valid/
Non-regression tests (software code generation):
python3 valid/
Non-regression tests (hardware code generation):
python3 valid/
Functionnal coverage (generate a report on meta-functions' generation/build/valid status):
python3 valid/ --report-only --output report.html
- Metalibm Description Language documentation: doc/
- User interface documentation: doc/
- Custom Meta-function documentation: doc/
- Metalibm engine optimization pass documentation: doc/
- Metalibm unit testing framework: doc/
- Version 1.0.alpha: Released March 12th, 2018: First alpha for first official version
- Version 1.0.beta: Released March 31th, 2018: First beta for first official version
Nicolas Brunie (nbrunie (AT), Hugues de Lassus Saint-Geniès,
Marc Mezzarobba, Guillaume Gonnachon, Florent de Dinechin, Julien Le Maire,
Julien Villette, Guillaume Revy
This work has been supported by Kalray ( and other entities
(to be listed)