archbuilder is a wrapper for makepkg which uses buildah containers to run the working makepkg. This will lead to a clean host system and reproduceble builds for the packages.
archbuilder works great together with aurutils to have a great Arch User Repository toolset.
Install the following packages:
and optional aurutils:
The base configuration file is located under /etc/archbuilder/archbuilder.env and includes the following settings:
- ARCHBUILDER_BASE_DIR="${HOME}/.archbuilder"
This is the base dir, which will used by archbuilder to store working files
The name of the buildah image to be used for building packages
The cache repository for the containers. This repository will be used by the containers to fetch the builded packages as dependencies. Every builded package by archbuilder will be added to this repository
Log directory. This is used to store logfiles when ARCH_BUILDER_LOG_TO_FILE is set.
If logs should be written to files
The log level to be used for stdout. Possible values are "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "SUCCESS", "ERROR"
The log level to be used for logging to file. Possible values are "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "SUCCESS", "ERROR"
Basic usage will be just to run archbuilder inside a folder with a PKGBUILD file. It will replace makepkg for the build process by using buildah.
If you want to pass flags to makepkg from archbuilder just hand them over after two dashes:
archbuilder -- --syncdeps
For a list of possible arguments just use the help flag:
archbuilder --help
Create a user or grant your user the permissions to run buildah via subuid and subgid for a more detailed documentation check the wiki:
Create a repository, that is owned by this user for using aurutils:
mkdir /var/cache/pacman/myrepo
chown -R youruser: /var/cache/pacman/myrepo
sudo -u youruser repo-add /var/cache/pacman/myrepo/myrepo.db.tar.gz
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server = file:///var/cache/pacman/myrepo
Include = /etc/pacman.d/myrepo
pacman -Sy
To use now archbuilder as building backend inside aurutils, just add the following to your shell:
export AUR_MAKEPKG="/usr/bin/archbuilderwrap"
This script will wrap everything correct to archbuilder and run the makepkg inside the buildah container.
You can add custom parameters to the wrapper script by setting the variable ARCHBUILDER_FLAGS.