Automatically sort email using a connection to a mailbox
Having an independant program to sort a mailbox, whithout relying on a email client like outlook, thunderbird or eM client.
It can be run on a regular basis an sort your mailbox. Rules are based on IMAP standard filter, any folder can be sorted. Sorting rules can be tagged, for instance with daily, weekly, monthly or by type of messages (friends, newletters, updates, ...)
run it once
cargo run
edit a config.ini file, with server, username, password
imap_server = 'localhost' imap_port = 993 imap_username = 'user' imap_password = ''
if you want to secure your password using secure store, please see further down
create a rules.yaml file with all your rules
rules: - name: title filter: "FROM [email protected]" target: "targe_folder" enable: True
run it
filter in rules are simply the one described in rfc3501, see
- all mail from [email protected]
FROM [email protected]
- all mail from john and jane
OR FROM [email protected] FROM [email protected]
- all mail from John with suject Sport
FROM [email protected] SUBJECT Sport
on windows need openssl.
clone vcpkg
open directory where you've cloned vcpkg
run ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
run ./vcpkg.exe install openssl-windows:x64-windows
run ./vcpkg.exe install openssl:x64-windows-static
run ./vcpkg.exe integrate install
run set VCPKGRS_DYNAMIC=1 (or simply set it as your environment variable)
or $env:VCPKGRS_DYNAMIC=1 (in powershell)
also need do set flag for static compiling ssl in final binaries:
set RUSTFLAGS=-Ctarget-feature=+crt-static
You need to use ssclient to create and update seurestore, here is how
cargo install ssclient
## you will need to enter a password twice, choose a long password, you will need it twice for create and once more to create the secrets.key file
ssclient create config.json
ssclient --export-key secrets.key -s .\config.json add imap_username
ssclient -k .\secrets.key -s .\config.json set imap_password
ssclient -k .\secrets.key -s .\config.json set imap_hostname
do not forget to remove those three values from config.ini file
> imap_sorter.exe --help
Process email in IMAP Inbox according to rules
Usage: imap_sorter.exe [OPTIONS]
-c, --config <CONFIG> where to find config file [default: config.ini]
-r, --rules <RULES> where to file rule YAML file
-n, --nomove do not move message (aka simlation mode)
-f, --force force, execute all rules, even disabled one
-s, --silent no output
-v, --verbose more details about what is going on
-d, --debug much more details about what is going on
-t, --tag <TAG> filter by this tag, only rule matching this tag will be executed
--listrules list all rules
--listtags list all tags
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version