Nordrassil, the Word Trie - a trie data structure implemented in vanilla JavaScript
Demo: Nordrassil, the Word Trie
Install dependencies with:
npm install
This app uses the Vite build tool with a non-default config. The source resides inside the app
directory and is built by Vite into the dist
directory. You can serve the content in dist
using your preferred web server.
To initiate a build:
npm run build
Vite can also watch the app
directory for file changes, and serve the content without needing to run a build. This is the best way to develop, as it will not require source maps and will auto reload the browser tab you are viewing from.
To initiate dev mode and serve the content on http://localhost:5173
npm run dev
Or, to have Vite watch for changes and serve the complete production build on http://localhost:4173
npm run serve
Or, to do the same watching for changes and the production build, but serve dist
from your preferred web server instead:
npm run watch
Run test cases with:
npm test
This will run the tests in test
using Mocha. Code coverage reports are also set up with c8.
To get a code coverage report with the tests:
npm run coverage
See LICENSE file included in this distribution.