A simple notes application created with Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and React
Express.js 4.18.1 (back-end server)
Mongoose (MongoDB ODM) 6.6.1
Node.js 18.1.0
React 18.1.0
MongoDB (Note persistence)
Download the project to your system.
cd notes-app
- Navigate to this folder to start the app.
npm install
- Install all dependencies.
npm start
- Starts express server on port 3001 - for note persistence, make sure MongoDB is running on port 27017
The project is currently active. Feel free to test it out and send us all your feedback!
- Beautification - I'd like to improve the UI, as it's super simple right now. Using Material UI is a probable next step.
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU v3.0 License. You can view it here: https://github.com/request-djinn/request-djinn/blob/main/LICENSE