System designed for easy crop cultivation at home, especially herbs and fast-growing small plants like lettuce. Three channels, with continous flow of a nutrient solution, are available, allowing for up to 12 seedlings to be grown at the same time.
ESP32 Devkit module was used to process data from sensors and publish messages with telemetry via MQTT.
Code was written using Arduino Framework for ESP32, in Visual Studio Code with Platformio extension.
- Air temperature and humidity measurement
- Built as a Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system
- Remote control via MQTT protocol
- Dashboard with gauges and charts
- PWM LED control
- Low water level alert
- Fan for controlling humidity and supplying oxygen
- OLED screen for easy operation control
Dashboard for system's administrator
Raspberry Pi 3B+ hosts Thingsboard server, which allows to store sensors' output in a database and display a dashboard with charts and gauges, accessible within local network. User can turn on/off water pump and fan. Moreover, LED intensity can be controlled with a dimmer. Raspberry also works as a MQTT broker and a gateway for communication with Thingsboard.
Prototype during tests
Controller based on ESP32
- Setting up MQTT broker on RPi
- Setting up Thingsboard server and Gateway on RPi
- Sending telemetry to Thingsboard server
- RPC implementation - controlling GPIO and PWM from dashboard
- Building and running actual prototype
- Finish implementing OLED screen display
- Add fully autonomous operation mode
- Improve the construction