eMail Test v3.0.0 (2023102000)
What's new
New diagnostic feature provides issue-specific information and some common solutions.
New detection of SMTP credential issue.
New detection of SMTP server connection failure/timeout.
New detection of SMTP server rejection.
New detection of connection timeout issues.
New detection of DNS resolution failure.
New detection of missing port or SSL/TLS protocol/port mismatch.
New detection of closed port.
New in-app information to help you troubleshoot if you don't receive the test email.
Fix-31: Corrected deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING deprecation notice in PHP 8.1.
Fix-30: Corrected undefined $CFG->branch error when installing at the same time as initial Moodle install.
Fix-20: Now correctly handles site names with special characters such as ampersands.
Documentation. Links to http:// have been replaced with https://.
Compatible with Moodle up to v4.3.
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