cssConsole is a jquery plugin that allows you to transform DOM element into console/terminal like input.
cssConsole has been tested and should work in
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Safari
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Opera
You can find some examples here.
Include cssConsole and its stylesheet on your page before the </body>
<link href="cssConsole.min.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/path/to/cssConsole.min.js"></script>
Then just add it to one of DOMs elements
Settable Options
Option | Description | Data Type | Default |
type | Type of the input box (supports: 'text', 'password') | string | 'text' |
inputId | If provided, sets the id for the input element | string | null |
inputName | If provided, sets the name for the input element | string | null |
inputValue | If provided, sets the value for the input element | string | null |
blinkingInterval | Sets blinking interval (in milliseconds) for the caret | integer | 500 |
preventEnter | If true, prevents default action on pressing Enter key | boolean | true |
charLimit | Sets limit of characters in the input (0 = no limit) | integer | 0 |
onEnter | Sets function to be executed on pressing Enter key | function | function (){ } |
Method | Description |
reset | Resets value of the input field |
destroy | Removes plugin functionality |
cssConsole plugin is released under MIT license.
cssConsole plugin was created by Michał Kowalkowski. You can contact me at [email protected]