This project is built as a practical results of my understanding in React.
- Download/clone this project.
- write
npm start
on command line.
[x] How to use bootstrap on react
- Frontend (html, css [search google for how to implement it to react])
- Backend (connecting to database [match to database, partial code already exist in createUserComponent])
- add Route to Register.
- validator.
- Frontend (html, css [search google for how to implement it to react])
- Backend (connecting to database [code already exist in createUserComponent])
- add Route to Login.
- Enhance search lists [google]
- check edit post and post list [still error]
- Make HomePage -- Change Navbar to Medium.
- Token
- Hash password.
- Stories based on what the author wrote
- delete based on them.
- Perfecting search components -- partial code already exist [logic still has flaws.]
- [P] comments.
- categorise post based on its tags (Home page).
- notifications.
- enhance register and login validator.
- enhance front end.