Worx Landroid-S Module for HA
- 1.0 (23.09.17): Receive Readings from Landroid S Mower
- 1.1 (25.11.17): set Mower commands and change configuration is now supported
- 1.2 (06.02.18): No polling to AWS server (Worx compliant)
- 1.3 (18.05.18): Auto Readings update after FHEM restart
Enable multi mower configuration
Counter for totalBladeTime with reset function
New mower status support
Set sliders for MowTimeExtent and MowRainDelay values prefilled (FHEMWEB)
Installation Guide on Raspberry PI (Debian)
If you have the following error after Node.js installation (ARMV61) node: /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.18' not found (required by node)
Run: sudo apt-get install libstdc++6
Switch to directory
$ cd /opt
Create new folder
sudo mkdir landroid
Change Owner and rights (Same like your login user)
$ sudo chown (YOUR LOGIN USER) landroid
$ sudo chmod 777 landroid
Switch to directory
$ cd landroid
Download fhem-landroid-s package from GIT
$ git clone https://github.com/axelmohnen/fhem-landroid-s.git
Switch directory
$ cd fhem-landroid-s
Install ioBroker Landroid adapter
$ sudo npm install iobroker.landroid-s
Copy Landroid perl module to FHEM
$ cp 74_LANDROID.pm /opt/fhem/FHEM
Change owner and group of module like for the other modules in the same folder (FHEM User and Group)
$ sudo chown (FHEM USER) /opt/fhem/FHEM/74_LANDROID.pm
$ sudo chgrp (FHEM GROUP) /opt/fhem/FHEM/74_LANDROID.pm
Edit Landroid Adapter config File (Worx Login data)
$ nano LandroidConf.json
Change email address for mower1 (if you have more mowers please enter email for mower2 etc..)
Change password for mower1 (if you have more mowers please enter pwd for mower2 etc..)
Press CTRL-o to save changes
Press enter to confirm filename to write
Press CTRL-x to exit nano
Execute node server for testing (exit afterwards with CTRL-C)
$ node LandroidSrv.js mower1
get https://pastebin.com/raw/xD6ZPULZ -> 200
Wed, 18 Oct 2017 19:10:23 GMT --> Connected to mower
Wed, 18 Oct 2017 19:10:23 GMT --> Landroid WebServer: server initialized
Wed, 18 Oct 2017 19:10:23 GMT --> Landroid WebServer: server running
Install Perl JSON Module
$ sudo apt-get install libjson-pp-perl
Define Landroid device in FHEMWEB. Use "localhost" as host if the LandroidSrv.js is running on same machine. Otherwise choose the IP address of external server. The default port is 8001 and must not be defined.
define robbi LANDROID localhost
Press "Save config"
Set attribute “disable” equal 0 (default = 1)
Set attribute "port" if differ to default port 8001
Press "Save config"
Default "interval" is set to 180sec
Install Process manager
$ npm install pm2 -g
Start your landroid server in background
Run command for each mower (mower1, mower2, etc...)
$ pm2 start /opt/landroid/fhem-landroid-s/LandroidSrv.js -f -- mower1
$ pm2 start /opt/landroid/fhem-landroid-s/LandroidSrv.js -f -- mower2
Check Process Monitoring (your landroid server must be up and running before continuing)
$ pm2 list
$ pm2 show LandroidSrv (for more details)
Setup Startup/Boot management
$ pm2 startup
copy/paste and execute given command in order to build startup script
$ pm2 save
Restart PI
$ sudo shutdown -r now
startMower: Start Mower (no parameter needed)
stopMower: Going back to docking station (no parameter needed)
changeCfgCalendar: Set calendar per weekday
Example: 0,10:00,300,1
- weekday 0-6 (0 = Sunday, 6 = Saturday)
- starttime (hh:mm) (e.g 10:00)
- worktime in minutes (value between 0 and 720)
- bordercut (1 = bordercut on, 0 = bordercut off)
changeCfgTimeExtend: Set mowing time extension (Percentage value -100 to 100)
changeCfgArea: Set mowing area (Zone)
Example: 0,450
- Area ID 0-3 (0 = Area 1, 3 = Area 4)
- Starting Point in meters 0 - 500
- startSequences: Start sequence (up to 10 sequences possible)
Example: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- Sequence ID 0-3 (? -> Please let me know if you know it!)
- changeRainDelay: Set Rain delay in minutes (value between 0 and 300)
- resetBladeTimeCounter: Resets the READING "bladeTimeCounter"