The viewer allows you to monitor the publishing queue on the Sitecore Publishing CM Server, see their current status and cancel publishing jobs if required.
This viewer is a rewrite of the original publish viewer created by MRUNAL BRAHMBHATT which can be found on the Sitecore MarketPlace. All of the credit on how to extract information about a publish should go to MRUNAL.
This module is distributed under the MIT license, which you can read in the Licence.txt file.
This module has been written very quickly to solve a specific problem. Therefore there is lots of room for improvement. Please branch and go nuts adding more reporting.
Tested in Sitecore 8 and Sitecore 8.1
The module supports the following features:
- List current publishes including:
- Time queued
- Time publish job started
- Duration in the queue
- Number of items published
- Average time to publish an item
- All messages from the publish job
- Ability to delete queued jobs - not that the user who started the publish will see blank screen if their publish is cancelled.
- Global stats are reported from the Monitoring Started date. This is normally the app start time.
- Total number of publishes
- Number of cancelled publishes
- Average time in queue
- Total number of items published
- Average items per hour
- Average publishes per hour
Installation is simple but the application will report jobs on a server performing publishes. If you are using a separate publishing server you need to perform the installation steps on this server.
- Drop the Sitecore.Kernel.dll into the /Libs/Sitecore folder.
- Compile the solution.
- Copy the folder /Glass.PublishViewer/App_Config/Include/Glass to your {website}/App_Config/Include folder*
- Copy the folder /Glass.PublishViewer/Sitecore Modules/PublishingViewer to your folder {website}/Sitecore Modules
- Copy the Glass.PublishViewer.dll to your bin folder.
- Navigate to the URL http://{{domain}}/sitecore%20modules/publishingviewer/PublishViewerPage.aspx