MCT - Mojo conference toolkit
MCT is a Mojolicious based web application for running conferences.
The features below are ideas for what might be implemented:
Single sign on with OAuth2
We do not want to store user passwords, so instead we should use Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2 to connect existing systems to MCT.
Talk admin
All conference users can post talks. Conference admins can move talks into a schedule by accepting or rejecting talks.
A very simple Text::Markdown based editor for news items and generation of an atom news feed.
User management
Simple user groups need to be implemented: Admin and regular users.
A very simple Text::Markdown based editor for wiki pages.
A PostgreSQL database.
Conference data, user information and talks are stored in the local database.
Below is how you would create the databases in Ubuntu/Debian:
$ sudo -u postgres createuser $USER
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O $USER mct_development
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O $USER mct_production
$ sudo -u postgres createdb -O $USER mct_test
Below is a nifty command that is usefule while developing. This command will drop all the tables in a database:
$ psql -c 'drop schema public cascade;create schema public' mct_test
To use the default settings, simply start the application with hypnotoad:
$ hypnotoad /path/to/mct/script/mct;
To start developing, it's suggested to start mct with these options:
# MCT_MOCK: Mock interaction with GitHub and other third parties
# -w: Watch the directories for changes in case AssetPack need
# to rebuild the static files.
$ MCT_MOCK=1 morbo script/mct -w public/sass -w public/js -w lib
Glen Hinkle <[email protected]<gt>
Jan Henning Thorsen, <[email protected]>
Joel Berger, <[email protected]>
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 by Joel Berger
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.