This is a repo for my work on developing a language. Most of the begining will be me going back through Language Implementation Patterns by Terrance Parr. I'm currently writing this in C++ to refresh my brain and learn more about implementing software in C++.
Current progress is an LL(1) Recursive-Descent Parser for the following grammar:
list : '[' elements ']' ;
elements : element (',' element)* ;
element : NAME | list ;
NAME : ([a-zA-Z]+)+ ;
WS : ([\ \t\r\n]+)+ ;
make test_lang
./lang '[a, b]'
./lang '[asdf,sdf,[ert,sdf],dfs]'
./lang '[asdf,]'
./lang '341'
I've recently started going through the LLVM tutorial on implementing a language here. The LLVM folder will be updated as I go through the sections. The code in there is up to the end of chapter 3.
Build that with the following:
clang++ -g -O3 kaleidoscope.cpp `llvm-config --cxxflags --ldflags --system-libs --libs core` -o kaleidoscope