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finished exercises on Course.Parser
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miladz68 committed Dec 31, 2016
1 parent 9d067d9 commit 1c09c7d
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Showing 2 changed files with 61 additions and 65 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion README.markdown
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ After this, the following progression of modules is recommended:
* `Course.Compose` -> Done
* `Course.Traversable` -> Done
* `Course.ListZipper` -> Done
* `Course.Parser` *(see also `Course.Person` for the parsing rules)*
* `Course.Parser` -> Done
* `Course.MoreParser`
* `Course.JsonParser`
* `Course.Interactive`
Expand Down
124 changes: 60 additions & 64 deletions src/Course/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

module Course.Parser where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,18 +78,18 @@ unexpectedCharParser c =
valueParser ::
-> Parser a
valueParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#valueParser"
valueParser a = P (`Result` a )

-- | Return a parser that always fails with the given error.
-- >>> isErrorResult (parse failed "abc")
-- True
failed ::
Parser a
failed =
error "todo: Course.Parser#failed"
failed = failedWith Failed

failedWith :: ParseError -> Parser a
failedWith e = P (const (ErrorResult e))
-- | Return a parser that succeeds with a character off the input or fails with an error if the input is empty.
-- >>> parse character "abc"
Expand All @@ -98,8 +99,14 @@ failed =
-- True
character ::
Parser Char
character =
error "todo: Course.Parser#character"
character = P parseFunction
parseFunction :: Input -> ParseResult Char
parseFunction input |isEmpty input = ErrorResult Failed
|otherwise = Result res hea
(hea:.res) = input

-- | Return a parser that maps any succeeding result with the given function.
Expand All @@ -112,17 +119,22 @@ mapParser ::
(a -> b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
mapParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#mapParser"
mapParser f (P parseFunction ) = P (mapParseResult f.parseFunction )

mapParseResult ::
(a -> b)
-> ParseResult a
-> ParseResult b
mapParseResult _ (ErrorResult e) = ErrorResult e
mapParseResult f (Result inp a) = Result inp (f a)

-- | This is @mapParser@ with the arguments flipped.
-- It might be more helpful to use this function if you prefer this argument order.
flmapParser ::
Parser a
-> (a -> b)
-> Parser b
flmapParser =
flip mapParser
flmapParser = flip mapParser

-- | Return a parser that puts its input into the given parser and
Expand All @@ -149,8 +161,9 @@ bindParser ::
(a -> Parser b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
bindParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#bindParser"
bindParser f parser = P(\inp -> case parse parser inp of ErrorResult e -> ErrorResult e
Result rema val -> parse (f val) rema

-- | This is @bindParser@ with the arguments flipped.
-- It might be more helpful to use this function if you prefer this argument order.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,8 +192,7 @@ flbindParser =
Parser a
-> Parser b
-> Parser b
(>>>) =
error "todo: Course.Parser#(>>>)"
(>>>) pa pb = flbindParser pa (const pb)

-- | Return a parser that tries the first parser for a successful value.
Expand All @@ -203,8 +215,9 @@ flbindParser =
Parser a
-> Parser a
-> Parser a
(|||) =
error "todo: Course.Parser#(|||)"
(|||) par1 par2 = P(\inp -> case parse par1 inp of ErrorResult _ -> parse par2 inp
res -> res

infixl 3 |||

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,8 +245,7 @@ infixl 3 |||
list ::
Parser a
-> Parser (List a)
list =
error "todo: Course.Parser#list"
list p1 = list1 p1 ||| valueParser Nil

-- | Return a parser that produces at least one value from the given parser then
-- continues producing a list of values from the given parser (to ultimately produce a non-empty list).
Expand All @@ -251,8 +263,7 @@ list =
list1 ::
Parser a
-> Parser (List a)
list1 =
error "todo: Course.Parser#list1"
list1 p1 = (:.) <$> p1 <*> list p1

-- | Return a parser that produces a character but fails if
Expand All @@ -270,8 +281,12 @@ list1 =
satisfy ::
(Char -> Bool)
-> Parser Char
satisfy =
error "todo: Course.Parser#satisfy"
satisfy cond = P fun
fun :: Input -> ParseResult Char
fun Nil = ErrorResult UnexpectedEof
fun ( | cond a = Result rest a
| otherwise = ErrorResult (UnexpectedChar a)

-- | Return a parser that produces the given character but fails if
Expand All @@ -282,8 +297,7 @@ satisfy =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @satisfy@ function.
is ::
Char -> Parser Char
is =
error "todo: Course.Parser#is"
is ch = satisfy (== ch)

-- | Return a parser that produces a character between '0' and '9' but fails if
Expand All @@ -294,8 +308,7 @@ is =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @satisfy@ and @Data.Char#isDigit@ functions.
digit ::
Parser Char
digit =
error "todo: Course.Parser#digit"
digit = satisfy isDigit

-- | Return a parser that produces zero or a positive integer but fails if
Expand All @@ -318,8 +331,9 @@ digit =
-- True
natural ::
Parser Int
natural =
error "todo: Course.Parser#natural"
natural = list1 digit >>= \a -> case read a of
Empty -> failed
Full a' -> valueParser a'

-- | Return a parser that produces a space character but fails if
Expand All @@ -331,8 +345,7 @@ natural =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @satisfy@ and @Data.Char#isSpace@ functions.
space ::
Parser Char
space =
error "todo: Course.Parser#space"
space = satisfy isSpace

-- | Return a parser that produces one or more space characters
-- (consuming until the first non-space) but fails if
Expand All @@ -344,8 +357,7 @@ space =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @list1@ and @space@ functions.
spaces1 ::
Parser Chars
spaces1 =
error "todo: Course.Parser#spaces1"
spaces1 = list1 space

-- | Return a parser that produces a lower-case character but fails if
Expand All @@ -356,8 +368,7 @@ spaces1 =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @satisfy@ and @Data.Char#isLower@ functions.
lower ::
Parser Char
lower =
error "todo: Course.Parser#lower"
lower = satisfy isLower

-- | Return a parser that produces an upper-case character but fails if
Expand All @@ -368,8 +379,7 @@ lower =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @satisfy@ and @Data.Char#isUpper@ functions.
upper ::
Parser Char
upper =
error "todo: Course.Parser#upper"
upper = satisfy isUpper

-- | Return a parser that produces an alpha character but fails if
Expand All @@ -380,8 +390,7 @@ upper =
-- /Tip:/ Use the @satisfy@ and @Data.Char#isAlpha@ functions.
alpha ::
Parser Char
alpha =
error "todo: Course.Parser#alpha"
alpha = satisfy isAlpha

-- | Return a parser that sequences the given list of parsers by producing all their results
-- but fails on the first failing parser of the list.
Expand All @@ -397,8 +406,7 @@ alpha =
sequenceParser ::
List (Parser a)
-> Parser (List a)
sequenceParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#sequenceParser"
sequenceParser = sequence

-- | Return a parser that produces the given number of values off the given parser.
-- This parser fails if the given parser fails in the attempt to produce the given number of values.
Expand All @@ -414,8 +422,7 @@ thisMany ::
-> Parser a
-> Parser (List a)
thisMany =
error "todo: Course.Parser#thisMany"
thisMany n = sequence.replicate n

-- | Write a parser for Person.age.
Expand All @@ -433,8 +440,7 @@ thisMany =
-- True
ageParser ::
Parser Int
ageParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#ageParser"
ageParser = natural

-- | Write a parser for Person.firstName.
-- /First Name: non-empty string that starts with a capital letter and is followed by zero or more lower-case letters/
Expand All @@ -448,8 +454,7 @@ ageParser =
-- True
firstNameParser ::
Parser Chars
firstNameParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#firstNameParser"
firstNameParser = (:.) <$> upper <*> list lower

-- | Write a parser for Person.surname.
Expand All @@ -467,8 +472,7 @@ firstNameParser =
-- True
surnameParser ::
Parser Chars
surnameParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#surnameParser"
surnameParser = (:.) <$> upper <*> (thisMany 5 lower >>= \la -> (++) <$> pure la <*> list lower)

-- | Write a parser for Person.smoker.
Expand All @@ -486,8 +490,7 @@ surnameParser =
-- True
smokerParser ::
Parser Char
smokerParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#smokerParser"
smokerParser = is 'c' ||| is 'y'

-- | Write part of a parser for Person#phoneBody.
-- This parser will only produce a string of digits, dots or hyphens.
Expand All @@ -508,8 +511,7 @@ smokerParser =
-- Result >a123-456< ""
phoneBodyParser ::
Parser Chars
phoneBodyParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#phoneBodyParser"
phoneBodyParser = list (digit ||| is '-' ||| is '.')

-- | Write a parser for
Expand All @@ -530,8 +532,7 @@ phoneBodyParser =
-- True
phoneParser ::
Parser Chars
phoneParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#phoneParser"
phoneParser = (:.) <$> digit <*>( phoneBodyParser <* is '#')

-- | Write a parser for Person.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -579,8 +580,7 @@ phoneParser =
-- Result > rest< Person {age = 123, firstName = "Fred", surname = "Clarkson", smoker = 'y', phone = "123-456.789"}
personParser ::
Parser Person
personParser =
error "todo: Course.Parser#personParser"
personParser = Person <$> ageParser <*> spaces1 *> firstNameParser <*> spaces1 *> surnameParser <*> spaces1 *> smokerParser <*> spaces1 *> phoneParser

-- Make sure all the tests pass!

Expand All @@ -592,29 +592,25 @@ instance Functor Parser where
(a -> b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
(<$>) =
error "todo: Course.Parser (<$>)#instance Parser"
(<$>) = mapParser

-- | Write an Applicative functor instance for a @Parser@.
-- /Tip:/ Use @bindParser@ and @valueParser@.
instance Applicative Parser where
pure ::
-> Parser a
pure =
error "todo: Course.Parser pure#instance Parser"
pure = valueParser
(<*>) ::
Parser (a -> b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
(<*>) =
error "todo: Course.Parser (<*>)#instance Parser"
(<*>) pf pa = pf >>= \f -> f <$> pa

-- | Write a Monad instance for a @Parser@.
instance Monad Parser where
(=<<) ::
(a -> Parser b)
-> Parser a
-> Parser b
(=<<) =
error "todo: Course.Parser (=<<)#instance Parser"
(=<<) = bindParser

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