The purpose of this code is to set up an sms messaging system for event attendance (i.e. Mincha) The system can be configured to send sms invitations and follow up remidners, count attendees and confirm/cancel the event based on the responses It can also be configured to send reminder phone calls before the event starts.
There are a lot more features built in then what you see in the readme feel free to review the code to find them :)
- Change db credentials in db.php with your server
- set your credentials
login to /login.php
user: admin
password: admin
Examples below, replace url and path to log see
00 12 * * 1-4 wget -qO- >> /var/log/1.log 2>&1
00 13 * * 1-4 wget -qO- >> /var/log/2.log 2>&1
50 13 * * 1-4 wget -qO- >> /var/log/3.log 2>&1
55 13 * * 1-4 wget -qO- >> /var/log/4.log 2>&1