a Web app where you can keep track of your cocktail cabinet, check what cocktails and drinks can you prepare with it, and discover new suggestions that you are almost prepared to make, just with a few more components.
in the project wiki
install packages (with homebrew)
brew install node
brew install postgres
brew install imagemagick
brew install phantomjs
brew install redis
bower and grunt
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
after installing postgres 9.4, ensure that the mindthedrink
user exists and can create databases.
createuser -d mindthedrink
execute the following sql (needed for extension migrations):
npm install && bower install
rails s
It may be that the UI is using a new bower component, or a similar change that will provoke an error if not updated.
npm install
bower cache clean --allow-root && bower install --allow-root
rake spec
(try tests again)
=> rspec, livereloadgrunt
=> lint, compilation, svg, application.js generation, modernizr
- svg => icon_%{type}.svg file
- in rails, use the icons/icon partial.
- grunt (via svgstore task) will do its stuff)
- icon_helper.rb -> add it to the map with the dimensions (get in the svg the viewBox numbers)
- almond is a mini version of requirejs.
- if we want to add complex stuff using requirejs (to control it, use it async, wait until that stuff is loaded...) => change almond for require.js + add it to require.js config (currently it's referencing local files, it can reference URLs)
use: bower install --save konami.js
(--save is for adding it to bower.json (kind of like a Gemfile.lock))
(note: you can also modify directly bower.json)
bower update --save
=> update to newer versions and write the updates into bower.json
bower install
-> update to whatever bower.json
add a new node dependency => it will all be 'dev' dependency because we only use node in dev:
npm install --save-dev grunt-uncss