Hi there, welcome! I'm Natasha, a developer+designer based in ATL! I am currently studying Computational Media @georgiatech, and I have a keen interest in community, collaboration and creativity! I'm researching design collaboration, and presenting my work at ACM SIGDOC this October- yippie! I'm a big fan of education, and I am currently TAing for Educational Technology at Tech! I have SWE'd @NCR, and love debugging (!!). Take a look around, and I'm always down to chat here!
My alter ego on github is @natasha-png!
- documenting and editing all my projects from the last week
- preparing for RenderATL in June!
- getting initial sprints up and running for Bits of Good
- researching the intersections between design, education, culture and collaboration
- to mess with data in a creative projected inspired by Dear Data
- to develop an app for my organization inspired by Wordle
- to finally (finally) play the guitar