A collection of firebase functions to be used as a backend for the Minimum Viable Ceremonies app.
cd functions
npm run serve
In order for the Sendgrid lambdas to work correctly, the following firebase config variables will need to be populated:
firebase functions:config:set \
root.api_key (api key for MVC project) \
root.domain (project name for MVC project) \
sendgrid.api_key (api key with write access to contact lists) \
sendgrid.list_id (id of sendgrid contact list to interact with) \
sendgrid.cors_origin (domain which will be querying this API)
To clone the environment variables from firebase for local dev,
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
Pushing to the master branch of this repo will automatically publish to Firebase. Instructions on invoking functions from the app can be found here