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irmin-pack-tools: Add a GUI for tezos stores
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clecat committed Sep 4, 2023
1 parent e532ecf commit 09bad9e
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Showing 8 changed files with 806 additions and 0 deletions.
49 changes: 49 additions & 0 deletions src/irmin-pack-tools/store_ui/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
open Tsdl
open Tsdl_ttf
open Optint
open Sdl_util

type ctx = {
r : Sdl.renderer;
w : Sdl.window;
wr : Sdl.rect;
f : Ttf.font;
indexes : (string * Int63.t) list;
store_path : string;
mutable drag : (int * int) option;
mutable current : int;
mutable last_refresh : float;
mutable updated : bool

let get_window_rect () =
let open Sdl.Rect in
let bounds = get @@ Sdl.get_display_bounds 0 in
let usable_bounds = get @@ Sdl.get_display_usable_bounds 0 in
let uw = w usable_bounds in
let uh = h usable_bounds in
create ~x:(w bounds - uw) ~y:(Sdl.Rect.h bounds - uh) ~w:uw ~h:uh

let init_context store_path font_path i =
let wr = get_window_rect () in
let w =
let open Sdl.Rect in
@@ Sdl.create_window ~x:(x wr) ~y:(y wr) ~w:(w wr) ~h:(h wr) "Tezos store explorer" Sdl.Window.opengl
let r =
get @@ Sdl.create_renderer ~index:(-1) ~flags:Sdl.Renderer.accelerated w
let f =
get @@ Ttf.open_font font_path
let last_refresh = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let indexes = Load_tree.load_index store_path in
let current = i in
{ r; w; wr; f; store_path; indexes; current; drag = None; last_refresh; updated = false }

let delete_context ctx =
Ttf.close_font ctx.f;
Sdl.destroy_renderer ctx.r;
Sdl.destroy_window ctx.w
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/irmin-pack-tools/store_ui/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(public_name irmin-tezos-explorer-gui)
(package irmin-pack-tools)
(name main)
(modules main context load_tree tree sdl_util layout loading)
(libraries prettree tsdl tsdl-ttf fmt irmin_pack irmin_tezos cmdliner)
(pps ppx_repr)))
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions src/irmin-pack-tools/store_ui/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
open Tree
open Sdl_util
open Context

type texture_data = {
min_w : float;
max_w : float;
min_h : float;
max_h : float;
scale_w : float;
scale_h : float;
zoom : float

let must_be_shown (x, y) (size_w, size_h) t =
x +. size_w >= t.min_w && x <= (t.max_w +. t.zoom /. t.zoom) && y +. size_h >= t.min_h && y <= (t.max_h +. t.zoom /. t.zoom)

let scale_text_rect ttx_r (scale_w, scale_h) =
let open Tsdl in
let text_w = float (Sdl.Rect.w ttx_r) in
let text_h = float (Sdl.Rect.h ttx_r) in
let corrected_w = min scale_w text_w in
let corrected_h = min scale_h text_h in
Sdl.Rect.(create ~x:(x ttx_r + (int @@ (text_w -. corrected_w) /. 2.)) ~y:(y ttx_r) ~w:(int corrected_w) ~h:(int corrected_h))

let render_rect renderer color size (ttx_t, ttx_r, ttx_width) current (x, y) t =
let scale_w, scale_h = t.scale_w *. t.zoom *. size, t.scale_h *. t.zoom *. size in
let x', y' = (x -. t.min_w) *. scale_w, (y -. t.min_h) *. scale_h in
let scale_w = scale_w *. ttx_width in
let must_be_shown = must_be_shown (x, y) (size *. ttx_width, size) t in
if must_be_shown
if min scale_w scale_h < 1. then draw_point renderer color (x', y')
else (
if not current then
fill_rect renderer light_grey (x', y') (scale_w, scale_h);
draw_rect renderer color (x', y') (scale_w, scale_h);
let center = (x' +. (scale_w /. 2.), y' +. (scale_h /. 2.)) in
let ttx_r = scale_text_rect (ttx_r center) (scale_w, scale_h) in
render_text renderer ttx_t ttx_r));
(must_be_shown, (x' +. (scale_w /. 2.), y'), (x' +. (scale_w /. 2.), y' +. scale_h)), t

let render_link renderer ((b1, _, bottom), _) ((b2, top, _), _) =
if b1 || b2
then draw_line renderer bottom top

let get_text_texture ctx text =
let open Tsdl in
let open Tsdl_ttf in
let s = get @@ Ttf.render_text_solid ctx.f text black in
let ttf_w, ttf_h = Sdl.get_surface_size s in
let text_texture = get @@ Sdl.create_texture_from_surface ctx.r s in
Sdl.free_surface s;
let text_rect (c_x, c_y) =
~x:(int @@ (c_x -. (float ttf_w /. 2.)))
~y:(int @@ (c_y -. (float ttf_h /. 2.)))
~w:ttf_w ~h:ttf_h
text_texture, text_rect, float ttf_w /. 10.

let layout ctx loading =
let rec layout_rec { depth = _; path; obj; current } =
let open Prettree in
Loading.update loading;
let size = 1. in
match obj with
| Leaf ->
loading.current.entries <- loading.current.entries + 1;
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r blue size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
| Commit None ->
loading.current.commits <- loading.current.commits + 1;
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r red size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
| Commit (Some child) ->
loading.current.commits <- loading.current.commits + 1;
let open Prettree.Syntax in
let+ parent =
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r red size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
and+ () = Prettree.padding 1.
and+ child = layout_rec child in
fun t ->
let parent_info = parent t in
let child_info = child t in
render_link ctx.r parent_info child_info;
| Inode i -> (
loading.current.inodes <- loading.current.inodes + 1;
match i with
| Values None ->
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r green size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
| Values (Some l) ->
let open Prettree.Syntax in
let+ parent =
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r green size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
and+ () = Prettree.padding 1.
and+ l = horz (list ~padding:size ( layout_rec l)) in
fun scale ->
let parent_pos = parent scale in
(fun child -> render_link ctx.r parent_pos (child scale))
| Tree None ->
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r purple size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
| Tree (Some l) ->
let open Prettree.Syntax in
let+ parent =
let text_texture, text_rect, text_width = get_text_texture ctx path in
(size *. text_width, size)
(fun pos t ->
render_rect ctx.r purple size (text_texture, text_rect, text_width) current pos t)
and+ () = Prettree.padding 1.
and+ l = horz (list ~padding:size ( layout_rec l)) in
fun scale ->
let parent_pos = parent scale in
(fun child -> render_link ctx.r parent_pos (child scale))
Loading.set_state loading Gen_layout;
180 changes: 180 additions & 0 deletions src/irmin-pack-tools/store_ui/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
open Optint
module Kind = Irmin_pack.Pack_value.Kind
module Conf = Irmin_tezos.Conf
module Schema = Irmin_tezos.Schema
module Maker = Irmin_pack_unix.Maker (Conf)
module Store = Maker.Make (Schema)
module Hash = Store.Hash
module Key = Irmin_pack_unix.Pack_key.Make (Hash)
module Io = Irmin_pack_unix.Io.Unix
module Errs = Irmin_pack_unix.Io_errors.Make (Io)
module Index = Irmin_pack_unix.Index.Make (Hash)
module File_manager = Irmin_pack_unix.File_manager.Make (Io) (Index) (Errs)
module Dispatcher = Irmin_pack_unix.Dispatcher.Make (File_manager)

module Inode = struct
module Value = Schema.Node (Key) (Key)
include Irmin_pack.Inode.Make_internal (Conf) (Hash) (Key) (Value)

type compress = Compress.t [@@deriving repr ~decode_bin]

module Commit = struct
module Value = struct
include Schema.Commit (Key) (Key)
module Info = Schema.Info

include Irmin_pack.Pack_value.Of_commit (Hash) (Key) (Value)

type compress = Commit_direct.t [@@deriving repr ~decode_bin]

module Varint = struct
type t = int [@@deriving repr ~decode_bin ~encode_bin]

let max_encoded_size = 9

let max_bytes_needed_to_discover_length =
Hash.hash_size + 1 + Varint.max_encoded_size

let min_bytes_needed_to_discover_length = Hash.hash_size + 1

let decode_entry_header buffer =
let buffer = Bytes.unsafe_to_string buffer in
let i0 = 0 in

let imagic = i0 + Hash.hash_size in
let kind = Kind.of_magic_exn buffer.[imagic] in

let ilength = i0 + Hash.hash_size + 1 in
let pos_ref = ref ilength in
let suffix_length = Varint.decode_bin buffer pos_ref in
let length_length = !pos_ref - ilength in

(kind, Hash.hash_size + 1 + length_length + suffix_length)

let decode_entry dispatcher buffer off =
let _ =
Dispatcher.read_range_exn dispatcher ~off
~max_len:max_bytes_needed_to_discover_length buffer
let kind, len = decode_entry_header buffer in
let _ = Dispatcher.read_exn dispatcher ~off ~len:Hash.hash_size buffer in
let hash = Bytes.sub_string buffer 0 Hash.hash_size in
let _ = Dispatcher.read_exn dispatcher ~off ~len buffer in
let content = Bytes.sub_string buffer 0 len in
(hash, kind, len, content)

exception Commit of string * Int63.t

let buffer = Bytes.create (4096 * 4096)

let get_entry dispatcher off =
let _, _, _, contents = decode_entry dispatcher buffer off in

open Tree

let load_inode dispatcher addr =
let contents = get_entry dispatcher addr in

let load_commit dispatcher addr =
let contents = get_entry dispatcher addr in
let entry_header = Hash.hash_size + 2 in
let contents_len = String.length contents - entry_header in
let contents = String.sub contents entry_header contents_len in

let get_name dict (n : =
match n with
| Indirect dict_key ->
let key = File_manager.Dict.find dict dict_key in
Option.get key
| Direct step -> step

let get_tree_from_commit (loading : Loading.t) dispatcher dict max_depth
last_commit_off commit_hash =
let rec get_commit_tree depth (commit : Commit.Commit_direct.t) =
loading.max.commits <- loading.max.commits + 1;
Loading.update loading;
if depth <> max_depth then
match commit.node_offset with
| Offset addr ->
let current = addr > last_commit_off in
let contents = load_inode dispatcher addr in
let inode = Inode.decode_bin_compress contents (ref 0) in
path = commit_hash;
obj = Commit (Some (get_node_tree (depth + 1) "root" inode current));
current = true;
| Hash _hash -> assert false
else { depth; path = commit_hash; obj = Commit None; current = true }
and get_node_tree depth name (inode : Inode.compress) current =
let addr_show name (addr : Inode.Compress.address) =
match addr with
| Offset addr ->
let current = addr > last_commit_off in
let contents = load_inode dispatcher addr in
let inode = Inode.decode_bin_compress contents (ref 0) in
get_node_tree (depth + 1) name inode current
| Hash _hash -> assert false
let value (v : Inode.Compress.value) =
match v with
| Contents (n, addr, ()) -> (
match addr with
| Offset addr ->
let current = addr > last_commit_off in
loading.max.entries <- loading.max.entries + 1;
Loading.update loading;
{ depth = depth + 1; path = get_name dict n; obj = Leaf; current }
| Hash _hash -> assert false)
| Node (n, addr) -> addr_show (get_name dict n) addr
let ptr (p : Inode.Compress.ptr) =
addr_show (string_of_int p.index) p.hash
let tree (t : Inode.Compress.tree) = ptr t.entries in
let v (tv : Inode.Compress.v) =
if depth <> max_depth && current then
match tv with
| Values l -> Tree.Values (Some ( value l))
| Tree t -> Tree (Some (tree t))
else match tv with Values _ -> Tree.Values None | Tree _ -> Tree None
let l =
match with
| V1_stable tv | V1_unstable tv -> v tv
| V2_root tv | V2_nonroot tv -> v tv.v
loading.max.inodes <- loading.max.inodes + 1;
Loading.update loading;
{ depth; path = name; obj = Inode l; current }
get_commit_tree 0

let load_tree loading store_path ~max_depth (hash, off) last_commit_off =
Loading.set_state loading Load_tree;
let conf = Irmin_pack.Conf.init store_path in
let fm = Errs.raise_if_error @@ File_manager.open_ro conf in
let dispatcher = Dispatcher.v fm |> Errs.raise_if_error in
let dict = File_manager.dict fm in
let contents = load_commit dispatcher off in
let commit = Commit.decode_bin_compress contents (ref 0) in
get_tree_from_commit loading dispatcher dict max_depth last_commit_off hash

let load_index store_path =
let index = Index.v_exn ~readonly:true ~log_size:500_000 store_path in
let l = ref [] in
(fun h (off, _, _) -> l := (string_of_int @@ Hash.short_hash h, off) :: !l)
let cmp (_, off1) (_, off2) = Int63.(to_int @@ sub off1 off2) in
List.sort cmp !l

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