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irmin: Move LRU cache to kcas
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clecat committed Feb 23, 2024
1 parent 4562e70 commit afade3d
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Showing 6 changed files with 106 additions and 130 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions irmin.opam
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ depends: [
"jsonm" {>= "1.0.0"}
"eio" {>= "0.12"}
"kcas" {>= "0.6.1"}
"kcas_data" {>= "0.6.1"}
"lwt" {>= "5.6.1"}
"digestif" {>= "0.9.0"}
Expand All @@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ depends: [

pin-depends: [
# Fix segv in kcas
[ "" "git+https://[email protected]/ocaml-multicore/kcas#5f3a39dfc72189e2b83f96c3754d402d5e7d6bc5"]
# Metrics may have been unnecessarily constrained in opam-repository
[ "" "git+"]
[ "" "git+"]
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/irmin-pack/io/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -87,5 +87,3 @@ let mem { lru; _ } k = Internal.mem lru k
let clear t =
Internal.clear t.lru;
t.total_weight <- 0

let iter { lru; _ } f = Internal.iter lru (fun k wv -> f k (v wv))
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/irmin-pack/io/lru.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,4 +36,3 @@ val add : t -> int63 -> Irmin_pack.Pack_value.weight -> value -> unit
val find : t -> key -> value
val mem : t -> key -> bool
val clear : t -> unit
val iter : t -> (key -> value -> unit) -> unit
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/irmin/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
Expand Down
226 changes: 100 additions & 126 deletions src/irmin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,174 +16,148 @@

(* Extracted from *)

module MakeUnsafe (H : Hashtbl.HashedType) = struct
module HT = Hashtbl.Make (H)
open Kcas

module Make (H : Hashtbl.HashedType) = struct
module HT = Kcas_data.Hashtbl

module Q = struct
type 'a node = {
value : 'a;
mutable next : 'a node option;
mutable prev : 'a node option;
next : 'a node option Loc.t;
prev : 'a node option Loc.t;

type 'a t = {
mutable first : 'a node option;
mutable last : 'a node option;
type 'a t = { tail : 'a node option Loc.t; head : 'a node option Loc.t }

let detach t n =
let np = n.prev and nn = in
let detach ~xt t n =
let np = Xt.get ~xt n.prev and nn = Xt.get ~xt in
(match np with
| None -> t.first <- nn
| None -> Xt.set ~xt t.tail nn
| Some x -> <- nn;
n.prev <- None);
Xt.set ~xt nn;
Xt.set ~xt n.prev None);
match nn with
| None -> t.last <- np
| None -> Xt.set ~xt t.head np
| Some x ->
x.prev <- np; <- None
Xt.set ~xt x.prev np;
Xt.set ~xt None

let append t n =
let append ~xt t n =
let on = Some n in
match t.last with
let hd = Xt.get ~xt t.head in
match hd with
| Some x as l -> <- on;
t.last <- on;
n.prev <- l
Xt.set ~xt on;
Xt.set ~xt t.head on;
Xt.set ~xt n.prev l
| None ->
t.first <- on;
t.last <- on

let node x = { value = x; prev = None; next = None }
let create () = { first = None; last = None }

let iter t f =
let rec aux f = function
| Some n ->
let next = in
f n.value;
aux f next
| _ -> ()
aux f t.first
Xt.set ~xt t.tail on;
Xt.set ~xt t.head on

let clear t =
t.first <- None;
t.last <- None
let node x = { value = x; prev = Loc.make None; next = Loc.make None }
let create () = { tail = Loc.make None; head = Loc.make None }

let clear ~xt t =
Xt.set ~xt t.tail None;
Xt.set ~xt t.head None

type key = HT.key
type key = H.t

type 'a t = {
ht : (key * 'a) Q.node HT.t;
ht : (key, (key * 'a) Q.node) HT.t;
q : (key * 'a) Q.t;
mutable cap : cap;
mutable w : int;
cap : cap;
w : int Loc.t;

and cap = Uncapped | Capped of int

let weight t = t.w
let weight ~xt t = Xt.get ~xt t.w

let create cap =
let cap, ht_cap =
if cap < 0 then (Uncapped, 65536) else (Capped cap, cap)
{ cap; w = 0; ht = HT.create ht_cap; q = Q.create () }
w = Loc.make 0;
ht = HT.create ~hashed_type:(module H) ~min_buckets:ht_cap ();
q = Q.create ();

let drop t =
match t.q.first with
let drop ~xt t =
let tl = Xt.get ~xt t.q.tail in
match tl with
| None -> None
| Some ({ Q.value = k, v; _ } as n) ->
t.w <- t.w - 1;
HT.remove k;
Q.detach t.q n;
Xt.modify ~xt t.w (fun tw -> tw - 1);
HT.Xt.remove ~xt k;
Q.detach ~xt t.q n;
Some v

let remove t k =
let n = HT.find k in
t.w <- t.w - 1;
HT.remove k;
Q.detach t.q n
with Not_found -> ()
let remove ~xt t k =
match HT.Xt.find_opt ~xt k with
| None -> ()
| Some n ->
Xt.modify ~xt t.w (fun tw -> tw - 1);
HT.Xt.remove ~xt k;
Q.detach ~xt t.q n

let add t k v =
let add t k v =
remove t k;
let n = Q.node (k, v) in
t.w <- t.w + 1;
HT.add k n;
Q.append t.q n
let tx ~xt =
let add t k v =
remove ~xt t k;
let n = Q.node (k, v) in
Xt.modify ~xt t.w (fun tw -> tw + 1);
HT.Xt.replace ~xt k n;
Q.append ~xt t.q n
match t.cap with
| Capped c when c = 0 -> ()
| Uncapped -> add t k v
| Capped c ->
add t k v;
if weight ~xt t > c then
let _ = drop ~xt t in
match t.cap with
| Capped c when c = 0 -> ()
| Uncapped -> add t k v
| Capped c ->
add t k v;
if weight t > c then
let _ = drop t in

let promote t k =
let n = HT.find k in
detach t.q n;
append t.q n)
with Not_found -> ()

let find_opt t k =
match HT.find_opt k with
| Some v ->
promote t k;
Some (snd v.value)
| None -> None

let mem t k =
match HT.mem k with
| false -> false
| true ->
promote t k;

let iter t f = Q.iter t.q (fun (k, v) -> f k v)

let clear t =
t.w <- 0;
Q.clear t.q

(** Safe but might be incredibly slow. *)
module Make (H : Hashtbl.HashedType) = struct
module Unsafe = MakeUnsafe (H)

type 'a t = { lock : Eio.Mutex.t; data : 'a Unsafe.t }

let create cap =
let lock = Eio.Mutex.create () in
let data = Unsafe.create cap in
{ lock; data }

let add { lock; data } k v =
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true lock @@ fun () -> Unsafe.add data k v
Xt.commit { tx }

let find_opt { lock; data } k =
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true lock @@ fun () -> Unsafe.find_opt data k
let drop t = Xt.commit { tx = drop t }

let find t k = match find_opt t k with Some v -> v | None -> raise Not_found
let promote ~xt t n =
Q.detach ~xt t.q n;
Q.append ~xt t.q n

let mem { lock; data } k =
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true lock @@ fun () -> Unsafe.mem data k
let find t k =
let tx ~xt =
match HT.Xt.find_opt ~xt k with
| Some v ->
promote ~xt t v;
snd v.value
| None ->
raise Not_found
Xt.commit { tx }

let iter { lock; data } f =
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true lock @@ fun () -> Unsafe.iter data f
let mem t k =
let tx ~xt =
match HT.Xt.find_opt ~xt k with
| None -> false
| Some v ->
promote ~xt t v;
Xt.commit { tx }

let clear { lock; data } =
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true lock @@ fun () -> Unsafe.clear data
let clear t =
let tx ~xt =
Xt.set ~xt t.w 0;
HT.Xt.clear ~xt;
Q.clear ~xt t.q
Xt.commit { tx }

let drop { lock; data } =
Eio.Mutex.use_rw ~protect:true lock @@ fun () -> Unsafe.drop data
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/irmin/lru.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,5 @@ module Make (H : Hashtbl.HashedType) : sig
val find : 'a t -> H.t -> 'a
val mem : 'a t -> H.t -> bool
val clear : 'a t -> unit
val iter : 'a t -> (H.t -> 'a -> unit) -> unit
val drop : 'a t -> 'a option

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