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This library is for Angular versions less than 6, for newer versions of Angular please use

How it works?

demo GIF


Custom tour with Angular 2+

Follow instructions and everything should be fine. :)


  • install npm install angular-custom-tour --save

In your module (app.module.ts)

import { HintModule } from 'angular-custom-tour'

  imports: [
    HintModule // Put here

Initialize it in your page component

In case you want to init slider after pageload, you should use ngAfterViewInit

import { HintService } from 'angular-custom-tour'

  providers: [... HintService ... ],

class AppComponent {

  constructor(public hintService: HintService){ }

  startTour() {

<!-- Bluring element insert on top of the page-->

<!-- start TOUR -->
<button name="button" (click)="startTour()"> START!</button>

<!-- Each step could be placed at ANYWHERE -->
<div class="i-want-highlight-this" id="highlight-me"> WOW!</div>

<tour-step selector="highlight-me" order="3" position="right" title="title string">
    NOTE: ONLY selector attribute is required! others is up to you


selector MUST BE unique, so you can highlight Element once


You need to inject styles from styles/main.css

if you are using angular CLI -> angular-cli.json

"styles": [

Custom options Usage

  startTour() {
    this.hintService.initialize({elementsDisabled: false}); // HintOptions


option default Usage
elementsDisabled: boolean true Disabling highlightedElement (click) wont work
dismissOnOverlay: boolean false Go to next step when clicking on overlay (close tour if this is last step)
defaultPosition: string 'bottom' Position of tour step to highlightedElement
defaultOrder: number 99 Order of showing steps
defaultLayer: number 15 Distance between highlightedElement and step in px
applyRelative: boolean true Applying position:relative to highlightedElement (disable in case you want to highlight absolute positioned elements)

Hint service events

event Description
finish$ When tour is finished
showingStep$ On each step show (Params > CurrentStep)

This module in active development mode, if you have any suggestions feel free to contact me.