This is a readme file for FruitTetris3D game for assignment 2 of CMTP361 at SFU
- to manipulate camera
- ctrl + 'up' : move up
- ctrl + 'down' : move down
- ctrl + 'left' : move left
- ctrl + 'right' : move right
- mouse roll forward : magnify objects / decrease FOV
- mouse roll backward : minify objects / increase FOV
PS : The camera always looks at the center of the game window
- to manipulate the robot arm
- 'w' : move up
- 's' : move down
- 'a' : move left
- 'd' : move right
- 'space' : drop fruit
- to manipulate tiles
- 'up' (direction key) : rotate the tile
- 'down' (direction key) : accelerate falling
- 'space' : shuffle the fruits within the tile
- general game control
- 'z' : suspend game / continue game
- 'r' : restart game
- 'q' : quit game
Any full row will be removed
Any consecutive 3 fruits of the same the kind will be removed
Remove happens after tiles lands
- & 2) can happen at the same time
After remove happens, fruits that are then not connected to the ground (directly or indirectly) will begin to fall
Falling fruits that are connected to each other will fall as a whole
Falling ends only when the connected fruits as a whole lands on some ground
When any of these new falling fruits is still falling, no user-controlled tile will generate, nor can user control these free falling fruits
After all the free falling fruits lands, a user-controlled tile will be generated immediately
new about robot arm:
tile cannot be shuffled or rotated when on a robot arm
tile cannot no longer be moved left or right after leaving the robot arm
tile cannot be dropped from robot arm when it's out side of the game window or colliding with other tiles
when countdown time goes to 0, if the current tile is inside the game window and not colliding with other tiles then it will fall at the current position, otherwise it will fall from the top-center of the game window.
include/ : GLM lib headers ( for mathmatical calculation ) SOIL lib headers and libs ( for loading textures ) FreeType lib headers and libs ( for font loading and text rendering ) My own headers ( shader class; camera class; cube class; tile class; window class; robot class)
shader/ : vertex shaders fragment shaders
texture/ : texture files
fonts/ : fonts
Tetris.cpp : Main program
Makefile : makefile file
lighting effect 1: robot arm has following 3 lightings: ambient light diffuse light specular light 2: a moving light source
text rendering 1: promt text indicating the 'q' and 'r' operation 2: countdown time text 3: game over text
blending effect 1: robot arms (not including the base) are drawn with a 0.8 transparency rate, so that the arms will not hide the tiles completely. 2: text with blending
camera control : camera can move up and down
Texture : Each kind of fruit is represented by a corresponding picture with corresponding color.
Game Control : 'z' to suspend and continue game;
Multiple Shaders :
tiles : vshader.glsl , fshader.glsl background grid : vshaderGrid.glsl , fshaderGrid.glsl light source : lightVshader.glsl , lightFshader.glsl robot arm : robotVshader.glsl , robotFshader.glsl text : textVshader.glsl , textFshader.glsl