This is my first fullstack web application. I've used MongoDB as a database , ReactJS for the frontend , ExpressJS for the backend and Redux for the global states. Follow the guide below to install the application to your desktop and run it locally. If you want to contribute to this project , please fork the repository here. If you are new please check GitHub for beginners.
- Auth (Sign in/Sign up)
- Add bookmarks.
- Edit profile
- New tweet
- Like tweet
- Comment tweet
- Simple Retweet
- Follow / Unfollow
First please clone this repository
git clone
First create .env file to server folder
cd twitter-clone/server
touch .env
Add these variables down below to .env file and set them as you want.
SECRET = xxxx
If you don't have mongoDB installed on your local machine then create a MongoDB Atlas cluster and add the link to your .env file.
MONGODB_URI = ??? if you don't have mongodb installed.
Go server folder and install the requirements and start the server. You can check the endpoints located on client/src/api/urls
cd twitter-clone/server
npm install
npm start
Go client folder and install the requirements and start the client app.
cd twitter-clone/client
npm install
npm start
App is ready to go. Check the localhost with the port that you set for PORT_CLIENT in .env file.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.