This package offers complete bindings and type-safety upon the IndexedDB API.
The IDBCore
and IDBFactory
are the two entry points required to create and connect to an
indexed database. From there, modules are divided such that each of them covers a specific IDB
They are designed to be used as qualified imports such that each method gets prefixed with a
menaingful namespace (e.g IDBIndex.get
, IDBObjectStore.openCursor
Here's a quick example of what it look likes.
module Main where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff, launchAff_)
import Control.Monad.Aff.Console (CONSOLE, log)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Exception (EXCEPTION)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Database.IndexedDB.Core
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBFactory as IDBFactory
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBDatabase as IDBDatabase
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBObjectStore as IDBObjectStore
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBIndex as IDBIndex
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBTransaction as IDBTransaction
import Database.IndexedDB.IDBKeyRange as IDBKeyRange
main :: Eff (idb :: IDB, exception :: EXCEPTION, console :: CONSOLE) Unit
main = launchAff_ do
db <- "db" Nothing { onBlocked : Nothing
, onUpgradeNeeded : Just onUpgradeNeeded
tx <- IDBDatabase.transaction db ["store"] ReadOnly
store <- IDBTransaction.objectStore tx "store"
(val :: Maybe String) <- IDBObjectStore.get store (IDBKeyRange.only 1)
log $ maybe "not found" id val
onUpgradeNeeded :: forall e. Database -> Transaction -> { oldVersion :: Int } -> Eff (idb :: IDB, exception :: EXCEPTION | e) Unit
onUpgradeNeeded db _ _ = launchAff_ do
store <- IDBDatabase.createObjectStore db "store" IDBDatabase.defaultParameters
_ <- IDBObjectStore.add store "patate" (Just 1)
_ <- IDBObjectStore.add store { property: 42 } (Just 2)
_ <- IDBObjectStore.createIndex store "index" ["property"] IDBObjectStore.defaultParameters
pure unit
Errors normally thrown by the IDB* interfaces are wrapped in the Aff
Monad as Error
the name
corresponds to the error's name (e.g. "InvalidStateError"). Pattern matching can
therefore be done on any error to handle specific errors thrown by the API.
The test
folder contains a great amount of examples showing practical usage of
the IDB* interfaces. Do not hesitate to have a peek should you wonder how to
use one of the module. The wrapper tries to keep as much as possible an API
consistent with the original IndexedDB API. Hence, it should be quite
straightforward to translate any JavaScript example to a PureScript one.
- Spago support added
- callback to
event now provide a record with the database old version.
review interface implementation (use of opaque classes to improve readability without compromising the reusability). The API doesn't really change from a user perspective though.
make the Key more opaque (by having an IDBKey instance for Foreign types)
Upgrade purescript-exceptions to 3.1.0 and leverage the new
- Indexed Database API 2.0 totally covered apart from
method (and the associated one for the IDBObjectStore)- binary keys
Module documentation is published on Pursuit.
Tested in the cloud on multiple browsers and operating systems thanks to BrowserStack
IE / Edge | Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Opera | Android | iOS Safari |
- | >= 57 | >= 51 | - | >= 46 | - | - |