The syntax is quite similar to a subset of mermaid.js, with one additional constraint:
- nodes must be of the form
Then you provide diagrams for the base case and the inductive step and specify how many times to apply the inductive step.
unet is basically a base case + an inductive step
base case:
a1 ---f1---> b1
inductive step:
a1 -------f1------ > b1
\ ^
\ g1 j1/
\>a2 ---f2--> b2/
define it as a pair of mermaidjs-esque-syntax diagrams:
base_case = """
%% comments begin with double percents
graph LR
A_1 --> F_1 %% enc conv -> copy and crop
F_1 --> B_1 %% copy and crop -> dec conv
inductive_step = """
graph LR
A_1 --> G_1 %% enc conv -> maxpool
G_1 --> A_2 %% maxpool -> enc conv
A_2 --> F_2 %% enc conv -> copy and crop
F_2 --> B_2 %% copy and crop -> dec conv
B_2 --> J_1 %% dec conv -> up conv
J_1 --> B_1 %% up conv -> dec conv
To parse + interpret this structure:
from interpret import DslInterpreter
unet_4 = DslInterpreter().apply(base_case, inductive_step, times=4)
G = nx.DiGraph()
for statement in unet_4:
G.add_edge(statement[0], statement[1])
G.add_edge("in", ("A", 1))
G.add_edge(("B", 1), "out")
pos = nx.kamada_kawai_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True)
labels = nx.get_edge_attributes(G, 'label')
nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=labels)
plt.title("unet of depth 4")
which yields
base case
graph LR
A_1 --> F_1 %% enc conv -> copy and crop
F_1 --> B_1 %% copy and crop -> dec conv
graph LR
A_1 --> F_1 %% enc conv -> copy and crop
F_1 --> B_1 %% copy and crop -> dec conv
inductive step
graph LR
A_1 --> G_1 %% enc conv -> maxpool
G_1 --> A_2 %% maxpool -> enc conv
A_2 --> F_2 %% enc conv -> copy and crop
F_2 --> B_2 %% copy and crop -> dec conv
B_2 --> J_1 %% dec conv -> up conv
J_1 --> B_1 %% up conv -> dec conv
graph LR
A_1 --> G_1 %% enc conv -> maxpool
G_1 --> A_2 %% maxpool -> enc conv
A_2 --> F_2 %% enc conv -> copy and crop
F_2 --> B_2 %% copy and crop -> dec conv
B_2 --> J_1 %% dec conv -> up conv
J_1 --> B_1 %% up conv -> dec conv
this part not implemented yet
To make the full module, you just provide 2 dicts of higher-order functions that define
- constructors for the modules
- the forward pass definitions
Constructors return a function, i.e. module_n = construct(n)()
Continuing with the unet example, the a
modules correspond to the convolutions that multiply the channels:
# enc conv
def mk_a(n):
base_dim = 64
def a_maker():
n_in = base_dim // (2**(n-1))
n_out = base_dim // (2**n)
return nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel=3, padding='same'),
nn.Conv2d(n_in, n_out, kernel=3, padding='same'),
return a_maker
constructors = {
'a': mk_a,
'b': mk_b,
'f': lambda n: nn.Identity, # copy and crop is not really a module - it can be defined all in the forward pass
Dict of higher order functions that produce functions that
- accept kwargs of inputs
- return a dict of outputs
A few attributes will be added to the function:
: the index, e.g.a_n(3).n = 3
: the constructed module.variables
: a dict for mapping variables of indexes to the actual number in this specific fwd pass (see below for more details)
def fwd_a(n):
def a_n(g_n):
h = a_n.self(g_n)
return {"f_n": h, "g_n": h} # routing multiple outputs
return a_n
def fwd_b(n):
def b_n(f_n, j_n): # taking multiple inputs
h = a_n.self(f_n + j_n)
return {"j_n": h}
return b_n
def fwd_f(n):
# copy and crop after considering padding loss
# these calculations effectively get precomputed!
size_a = 572
padding_loss = 4
for _ in range(n):
size_a //= 2
size_a -= padding_loss
size_b = size_a * 2
crop_w = crop_h = size_b
a_center = size_a // 2
a_x0, a_x1 = a_center - crop_w // 2, a_center + crop_w // 2
a_y0, a_y1 = a_center - crop_h // 2, a_center + crop_h // 2
def f_n(a_n):
return a_n[:, :, a_y0:a_y1, a_x0:a_x1]
return f_n
eg for the in
and out
# imagine 'in' were not a python reserved keyword for this illustration..
# a_1(in=...) -> {"f_n": ..., "g_n": ..., }
def a_1(in):
h = a_1.self(in)
return {"f_n": h, "g_n": h}
# b_1(j_n=...) -> {"out": ...}
def b_1(j_n):
return {"out": b_1.self(j_n)}
fwds = {
'a_1': lambda n: a_1
'a': fwd_a,
'b_1': lambda n: b_1
'b': fwd_b,
'f': fwd_f,
If you need to distinguish multiple inputs of the same kind of var e.g.
c_3(c_1=..., c_2=...,)
then just make sure the kwargs use different letters for the variable names after the underscore;
c_n(c_i=..., c_j=...)
The mapping from kwarg name -> variable number will be available to the function as an attribute, e.g.
def fwd_c(n):
def c_n(c_i, c_j):
print(c_n.self.variables['c_i'], c_n.self.variables['c_j'])
return c_n
# then later
fwds = {
'c': fwd_c,
# c_3 forward prints "1 2"