A Rails application template as described here: http://m.onkey.org/2008/12/4/rails-templates
This template installs quite a few plugins and optionally attempts to automatically setup a mySQL database for your application (assuming your root mySQL user's login info is stored in /root/.my.cnf)
This template is written to allow it to be run multiple times and shouldn't (no guarantees) destroy existing configuration data.
Use at your own risk!
This template is distributed as a normal Rails plugin and invoked via a Rake task (which, in turn, invokes the rails:template task).
Note that this requires Rails 2.3 in order to function. Assuming you have Rails 2.3 installed, to use the template on your application, from its root directory, run:
./script/plugin install git://github.com/mlightner/loaded_rails_app.git
rake loaded_rails_app
If you don't have Rails 2.3 installed yet, you can freeze your app to edge Rails and then run the plugin's rake task.
root@feynman [/home/yourapp/yourapp]# rake loaded_rails_app
(in /home/yourapp/yourapp)
applying template: /home/yourapp/yourapp/vendor/plugins/loaded_rails_app/tasks/../lib/template.rb
running git init
executing find . -type d -empty | xargs -I xxx touch xxx/.gitignore from /home/yourapp/yourapp
file .gitignore
running git submodule init
Would you like the script to attempt to setup your database (for mySQL users with root access only)?
What would you like to use as the database prefix? [yourapp]
file config/database.yml
file db/migrate/0_create_users.rb
file db/migrate/1_virtual_enumerations.rb
executing cp config/database.yml config/database.yml.example from /home/yourapp/yourapp
executing rm -f public/index.html from /home/yourapp/yourapp
plugin rspec
plugin rspec-rails
plugin open_id_authentication
plugin exception_logger
plugin acts_as_taggable_redux
plugin asset_packager
plugin authlogic
plugin searchlogic
plugin settingslogic
plugin shoulda
plugin factory_girl
plugin quietbacktrace
plugin will_paginate
plugin aasm
plugin fancy_rake
plugin enhanced_console
plugin auto_migrations
plugin ansi
plugin mysql_setup
plugin active_scaffold
plugin haml
plugin ar_fixtures
plugin enumerations_mixin
plugin annotate_models
gem RedCloth
running git submodule init
rake gems:install
generating rspec
rake mysql_setup:full
file config/application.yml
rake db:sessions:create
generating authlogic
rake acts_as_taggable:db:create
rake db:migrate
rake annotate_models
route map.resource :account, :controller => 'users'
route map.resources :users
route map.resource :user_session
route map.root :controller => 'user_sessions', :action => 'new'
running git add .
running git commit -a -m 'Initial commit from template'
================== SUCCESS! ==================
applied /home/yourapp/yourapp/vendor/plugins/loaded_rails_app/tasks/../lib/template.rb
Copyright (c) 2009 Matt Lightner, released under the MIT license