A lighter, pure-Vimscript version of fisadev's wonderful vim-isort plugin. Mostly written to solve performance + virtual environment issues.
Equivalent to:
command! -range=% Isort :<line1>,<line2>! isort -
...but significantly faster & without the annoying cursor jump.
Designed to run asynchronously in Vim 8 + Neovim, but also backward-compatible with older versions of Vim.
Install isort via pip:
pip install isort
via your favorite plugin manager, eg vim-plug:Plug 'brentyi/isort.vim'
will sort all imports of a file in normal mode, or a range of lines in
visual mode.
Mappings are left to the user. Here's what I use:
augroup IsortMappings
autocmd FileType python nnoremap <buffer> <Leader>si :Isort<CR>
autocmd FileType python vnoremap <buffer> <Leader>si :Isort<CR>
augroup END
We can also add a callback function via the
isort#Isort(startline, endline, callback)
function. For example, we can use
vim-codefmt to format after sorting:
call isort#Isort(1, line('$'), function('codefmt#FormatBuffer'))
You can configure isort's arguments:
let g:isort_vim_options = '-l 120 --wl 100 -m 2 --case-sensitive'