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mohammed-ibrahim edited this page May 18, 2016
19 revisions
Welcome to the jump wiki! (Note: Part of this document is yet to be completed, please send your feedback to [email protected], thanks for your patience :))
Login to mysql shell and type the below commands
create database jump_tutorial;
use jump_tutorial;
create table sample_table (
field_1 int not null, # one_of(1 ,2, 3, 4, 5) example
field_2 int not null, # static(66) example
field_3 int not null, # serial(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) example
field_4 int not null, # between(100, 200) example
field_5 int not null, # random_between(2000, 3000) example
field_6 text not null, # now() example
field_7 text not null, # fake(name) example
field_8 text not null, # fake(int) example
field_9 text not null, # fake(month) example
field_10 text not null, # fake(date) example
field_11 text not null, # fake(year) example
field_12 text not null, # fake(address) example
field_13 text not null, # fake(zipcode) example
field_14 text not null, # fake(country) example
field_15 text not null, # fake(city) example
field_16 text not null, # fake(street_address) example
field_17 text not null, # fake(latitude) example
field_18 text not null, # fake(longitude) example
field_19 text not null, # fake(color) example
field_20 text not null, # fake(phone_number) example
field_21 text not null, # fake(email) example
field_22 text not null, # fake(gender) example
field_23 text not null, # fake(website) example
field_24 text not null # fake(url) example
vi jump_tutorial.ju
insert(sample_table, 30) {
field_1 = one_of(1 ,2, 3, 4, 5),
field_2 = static(66),
field_3 = serial(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
field_4 = between(100, 200),
field_5 = random_between(2000, 3000),
field_6 = now(),
field_7 = fake(name),
field_8 = fake(int),
field_9 = fake(month),
field_10 = fake(date),
field_11 = fake(year),
field_12 = fake(address),
field_13 = fake(zipcode),
field_14 = fake(country),
field_15 = fake(city),
field_16 = fake(street_address),
field_17 = fake(latitude),
field_18 = fake(longitude),
field_19 = fake(color),
field_20 = fake(phone_number),
field_21 = fake(email),
field_22 = fake(gender),
field_23 = fake(website),
field_24 = fake(url)
5 Download the jar file from [link] (https://github.com/mohammed-ibrahim/jump/blob/master/jump-1.0.jar?raw=true)
Note: Ensure both the files (jump_tutorial.ju, jump-1.0.jar) are in the same folder
java -jar jump-1.0.jar --file jump_tutorial.ju --database <database_name> --username <user_name> --password <password>
use jump_tutorial;
select * from sample_table;
| field_1 | field_2 | field_3 | field_4 | field_5 | field_6 | field_7 | field_8 | field_9 | field_10 | field_11 | field_12 | field_13 | field_14 | field_15 | field_16 | field_17 | field_18 | field_19 | field_20 | field_21 | field_22 | field_23 | field_24 |
| 5 | 66 | 1 | 100 | 2996 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Brittany Bernhard | 7190689 | July | 2068-08-28 12:39:44.391 | 2029 | 8901 Steuber Meadows NorthLeraview 15794 | 78756 | Egypt | Northannechester | 3594 Otilia Junctions | 66.82592583316529 | -40.90808776944496 | green | 979-447-8513 x789 | howell.will@gmail.com | M | www.osckqadxotrc.com | www.klgynstjxcpgbyabrshxun.com |
| 1 | 66 | 2 | 101 | 2697 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Tremayne Schamberger | 073 | September | 1966-07-11 12:39:44.403 | 2021 | 761 Buckridge Bridge LakeMaeganmouth 25265-9586 | 39581 | Guinea-Bissau | Eastcarloberg | 508 Eichmann Port | 86.19258479761825 | -143.30884453472015 | brown | 654.750.7352 x447 | holly.bechtelar@gmail.com | M | www.fwpggpvbvqrrlqzmaxkynjrd.com | www.afutbnxgjwxvjgeskxu.com |
| 1 | 66 | 3 | 102 | 2058 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Ila Muller | 30425 | January | 2052-07-11 12:39:44.404 | 2008 | 49206 Friesen Parkways EastCasperstad 94822-7802 | 50479-3858 | Ireland | Westmarilouside | 1821 Effertz Club | -45.46799137420905 | 111.0221835274574 | brown | 1-724-293-5533 x4899 | vladimir.rath@hotmail.com | M | www.wpxfrsgpffulkxvuxcjl.com | www.ibheovlmocwiao.com |
| 2 | 66 | 4 | 103 | 2260 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Gideon Pacocha | 9828407 | December | 1966-02-06 12:39:44.406 | 2045 | 8737 Idella Rest PortArielbury 34501-2675 | 34294-3661 | Norfolk Island | Eastjanaview | 13107 Kadin Creek | -80.53079763005209 | 90.58779876220996 | brown | 845-011-0734 x41080 | nettie.o'[email protected] | M | www.nujstozpubf.com | www.jeghjnbtrwlpxapey.com |
| 5 | 66 | 5 | 104 | 2399 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Hilda Dare | 25 | February | 1978-01-27 12:39:44.408 | 2006 | 14298 Sporer Spring PortNilsview 92769 | 55511-4114 | Madagascar | Portsylviaburgh | 61531 Reichert Spur | 57.016573277146364 | -131.38122436115424 | green | 496-918-1294 x3329 | [email protected] | F | www.spltcfkszniofnplpcggzbwd.com | www.tfmrmlpnofvayhbjqacxlok.com |
| 4 | 66 | 6 | 105 | 2756 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Jovanny Cummerata | 63591 | January | 2038-02-04 12:39:44.410 | 1994 | 1736 O'Reilly Glen NewBrandtburgh 32767 | 43514 | Botswana | Newlawrencemouth | 3528 Ward Squares | 78.13702670038651 | 139.67778337834477 | green | 890.659.4354 | gregoria.goldner@hotmail.com | F | www.jbizhepntnvnarwkmbsbenf.com | www.egnwszaoflgtmwluhz.com |
| 5 | 66 | 7 | 106 | 2597 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Thurman Homenick | 999 | June | 2062-06-27 12:39:44.412 | 2019 | 96976 Sophie Plain PortSusanside 76741 | 04761-5891 | Bulgaria | Newmarianemouth | 330 Ana Trail | 55.44412170570132 | -116.60193463529201 | green | 1-376-797-6421 | toni.wunsch@yahoo.com | F | www.uipyjqxavfdfnucxhich.com | www.aqikyqdoalkoe.com |
| 2 | 66 | 1 | 107 | 2315 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Edison Cole | 715 | November | 2038-05-26 12:39:44.414 | 2039 | 47589 Schaden Port WestCamronchester 71487 | 15153 | Faroe Islands | Westadrienborough | 5591 Jakubowski Light | -16.39210661717604 | 102.78070055709844 | black | (193)361-7795 | kelton.stiedemann@yahoo.com | M | www.yusfmwrwaheeiegnrc.com | www.iiiobqeevlbjqrtxuf.com |
| 5 | 66 | 2 | 108 | 2176 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Heaven Hamill | 0772069 | March | 2013-06-09 12:39:44.415 | 2000 | 688 Olson Causeway PortJannieburgh 54491 | 98553 | Russian Federation | Westramiroton | 805 Dashawn Estate | 4.118124391137215 | 117.57819983860287 | blue | (758)793-4675 | daron.auer@yahoo.com | M | www.ngbiznmpvjoxovhzp.com | www.dbkhxoyetoncxpet.com |
| 2 | 66 | 3 | 109 | 2664 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Raquel Kerluke | 4050 | September | 1997-08-24 12:39:44.417 | 2001 | 7908 Ivory Courts LakeStantonmouth 57454-1149 | 24105 | Belgium | Portlincolnmouth | 5506 Stamm Branch | -28.99451715077636 | 65.37819962292517 | blue | 1-693-491-8576 | reva.gusikowski@gmail.com | M | www.ogyqefhgpxkhwr.com | www.pavmhsvxsfsmejsvlumynsvz.com |
| 1 | 66 | 4 | 110 | 2137 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Amy Legros | 48410 | April | 2015-04-30 12:39:44.418 | 2025 | 29167 Santina Hills NewMargarettmouth 62876 | 23493 | Bahrain | Southhellenville | 486 Katelynn Forks | 0.032313305486908916 | 114.62835373188159 | blue | 454-823-3534 x894 | jennyfer.schimmel@gmail.com | F | www.bojluidyzudyrficc.com | www.kdifmgdlplpqo.com |
| 4 | 66 | 5 | 111 | 2855 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Willow Hane | 8633 | July | 2028-03-08 12:39:44.419 | 2017 | 0654 Kane Island NorthBabyton 55710-7448 | 91461 | Gambia | Eastwandaborough | 6378 Kamille Avenue | -84.73498745163016 | -32.38404100955938 | blue | (186)904-4471 x789 | christophe.sanford@hotmail.com | F | www.tzhdxdknmjod.com | www.akftfweybt.com |
| 1 | 66 | 6 | 112 | 2678 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Ali Jast | 0489339 | February | 1998-11-09 12:39:44.420 | 2011 | 6521 Dovie Club NorthWebstershire 87000-8977 | 72147 | Sudan | Eastmelvinton | 7506 Anderson Views | -57.3602315633143 | 122.85975043772055 | brown | 613-988-7431 x9099 | marcelle.bauch@hotmail.com | F | www.cgonerjfkpb.com | www.gndskmqeuvfmqsslhjgcz.com |
| 3 | 66 | 7 | 113 | 2788 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Dr. Annetta Bruen | 754 | July | 2026-02-17 12:39:44.422 | 2047 | 17084 Jacobson Island NewFurmanfort 39978 | 96934-8029 | Sao Tome and Principe | Laketorranceville | 80336 Leffler Coves | 21.609915791233988 | 25.11143909342809 | blue | 565.153.6234 | birdie.hyatt@gmail.com | F | www.tyentfubvnvubjoweujotoun.com | www.byfflxgpbquhmk.com |
| 2 | 66 | 1 | 114 | 2393 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Bridget Fadel Jr. | 690 | February | 2045-08-06 12:39:44.423 | 2002 | 78390 Curtis Fields WestAiyanastad 10963 | 40819-8421 | Uruguay | Lakedorthyview | 8889 Rudolph Canyon | -53.068840391812735 | 36.66499262058832 | black | 065.747.6762 | janessa.langworth@gmail.com | F | www.fnlmwmnkjajoiwlolodx.com | www.bghsgxlijptgzbika.com |
| 1 | 66 | 2 | 115 | 2311 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Quentin Botsford | 653 | May | 2001-10-28 12:39:44.426 | 2034 | 355 Magali Mall NorthStephanburgh 93955-6606 | 40108-0796 | Azerbaijan | Eastamericamouth | 32980 Mercedes Harbors | -39.860516803283105 | -141.4880514409192 | blue | (027)785-6976 x2577 | scot.gleichner@gmail.com | F | www.vsakosnyzknmonqj.com | www.qmrbeelrdmsyui.com |
| 3 | 66 | 3 | 116 | 2262 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Jasen Hilpert | 46774 | August | 2034-04-22 12:39:44.427 | 2031 | 87892 Stoltenberg Mountain SouthSamantashire 72382-7478 | 53259-5984 | Finland | Eastdarrenville | 46449 Koch Landing | 8.964088481258656 | 172.1468419226478 | blue | (260)946-8118 | neal.grady@hotmail.com | F | www.lmnpqzqviqsvvcg.com | www.yqqwwjgdlvgdgyevywsq.com |
| 2 | 66 | 4 | 117 | 2101 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Millie Von | 9031 | May | 2043-03-06 12:39:44.428 | 2034 | 77542 Santino Mountains NorthMarkfort 41998-8367 | 48909 | British Virgin Islands | Porteulaliastad | 38416 Bogisich Mountain | 4.765996462500652 | -163.2008370028924 | blue | 831-214-5655 x88812 | fred.johnston@hotmail.com | M | www.rbzozvchqnsxewkx.com | www.ohxgyljfsthvkktknc.com |
| 1 | 66 | 5 | 118 | 2404 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Mr. Betsy Schultz | 068921 | December | 2007-11-21 12:39:44.429 | 2046 | 775 Kuphal Islands NewRevaborough 51944-0168 | 53233-0082 | Qatar | Westtreville | 7281 Juliet Valleys | -25.4804360532316 | -162.1768002631855 | blue | 1-950-463-7865 x246 | gaylord.koch@hotmail.com | M | www.vyszdrwwhpg.com | www.uezgqceugzleyux.com |
| 5 | 66 | 6 | 119 | 2381 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Wilhelm Batz | 87 | April | 2034-08-07 12:39:44.431 | 2020 | 47906 Margarette Gateway NewDuaneberg 59850-7981 | 12890-8229 | New Zealand | Northbernardland | 7398 Wallace Turnpike | -77.19962947554271 | -117.7384711365091 | blue | 562-147-2884 x7785 | rosemary.wolf@yahoo.com | F | www.yodyuavvnf.com | www.exqbtirkehb.com |
| 4 | 66 | 7 | 120 | 2999 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Erna Erdman | 16437 | December | 2009-09-28 12:39:44.432 | 2004 | 62089 Pfannerstill Mission NorthCaterinahaven 62804-0770 | 74492 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | Northmadisonfort | 78643 Hane Avenue | 74.41624973724467 | 73.33115162985618 | blue | 431.424.3179 x192 | [email protected] | M | www.cyzqorueroulbkntqejus.com | www.jidlzecglwdixqruupn.com |
| 3 | 66 | 1 | 121 | 2017 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Dr. Kallie McClure | 607488 | February | 2014-07-05 12:39:44.433 | 2003 | 33359 Elisabeth Manors NorthEleanoratown 68385 | 24800-4770 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | Newmeaghanstad | 324 Toy Viaduct | 30.44496397141259 | 173.43963520858375 | brown | (757)017-3312 x0401 | [email protected] | M | www.yzbokaqjixvtzjkthjkkfbm.com | www.gkuxiwiuxsojvgizjwwvv.com |
| 2 | 66 | 2 | 122 | 2222 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Hobart Willms | 71094 | November | 2047-10-07 12:39:44.434 | 2048 | 831 Jayden Well LakeIvoryshire 90507-5812 | 43489 | Pitcairn Islands | Northmargueritefort | 555 Leuschke Inlet | -71.34243950096779 | -20.819583212158477 | blue | (223)741-4560 x31278 | [email protected] | F | www.tskcfhfcftyk.com | www.dtdazitfurvhmwajmjufj.com |
| 1 | 66 | 3 | 123 | 2617 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Keshawn Harber | 6361796 | April | 1975-03-18 12:39:44.435 | 2025 | 227 Legros Viaduct WestMartinfort 28350-2036 | 84925 | Fiji | Lakedanstad | 89447 Elisabeth Meadows | 74.66392193062416 | 67.7253402493769 | black | 750-546-6530 x080 | [email protected] | M | www.jgtmnszyevo.com | www.dfoqqfippr.com |
| 2 | 66 | 4 | 124 | 2994 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Cleo Sporer | 610739 | June | 2029-09-02 12:39:44.436 | 2018 | 498 Hickle Turnpike NorthSavanahland 18345-6186 | 80172-8432 | Mali | Newelijahhaven | 090 Littel Streets | 84.5361965937687 | -105.39361006860136 | black | 377.491.9174 x90992 | [email protected] | F | www.nrqrrzgupxjtpptsu.com | www.ayxpepoknm.com |
| 2 | 66 | 5 | 125 | 2088 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Agustin Russel | 344629 | June | 2049-04-10 12:39:44.437 | 1998 | 49112 Senger Alley WestAracelymouth 06794 | 84706-0092 | Western Sahara | Eastnicholefurt | 0221 Christy Estate | 40.66993417924351 | 4.986026244647547 | black | (688)967-1006 x5394 | [email protected] | F | www.loydiomwjmix.com | www.okemmhfknaskzejofxfjbtqo.com |
| 2 | 66 | 6 | 126 | 2949 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Mrs. Carmen Powlowski | 13802 | October | 1988-07-18 12:39:44.438 | 1990 | 31753 Wiegand Corners NewMauriciohaven 92211 | 59583-0786 | Nicaragua | Lakegunnarbury | 30180 Rachel Spring | -23.2656875202796 | 94.04081659772851 | brown | (753)665-1367 | [email protected] | F | www.pfbciqbqceqygzynvq.com | www.svnblkzjwclhh.com |
| 5 | 66 | 7 | 127 | 2994 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Dean Stracke | 873 | October | 2018-07-26 12:39:44.439 | 2019 | 484 Jerel Junction EastJakaylaport 20353-3392 | 42193-6771 | Ukraine | Westmckaylafort | 138 Tanner Stravenue | -15.731544630061308 | -24.181377300191826 | green | 475-080-9761 | [email protected] | M | www.wdyjuvgukbxfbiefppjokq.com | www.xanvggzjetbeshwjsgfgyj.com |
| 3 | 66 | 1 | 128 | 2875 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Camille Hackett | 7954 | October | 2020-06-12 12:39:44.440 | 2008 | 4245 King Crossroad SouthBeauview 80007 | 28759-3100 | Iceland | Lakekatelinport | 4894 Waters Fords | -85.620757191771 | 53.5917571163788 | black | 1-214-948-9062 | [email protected] | F | www.knxxtwzskou.com | www.cfwefanhvkguznlad.com |
| 5 | 66 | 2 | 129 | 2475 | 2016-05-14 12:39:44 | Lesly Hettinger | 07 | February | 2041-02-21 12:39:44.441 | 2023 | 66493 Garrett Walks LakeFrederikborough 43446 | 60407-7851 | China | Lakeceasarbury | 48003 Claire Prairie | -40.243831900018485 | 8.43331710052098 | blue | 830.389.8749 x1194 | [email protected] | F | www.lblibrwsdlgylhncdoktfmo.com | www.nsmyjsdraut.com |