Version 4.4.2
GitHub Release notes:
1.7.0.x - 1.7.7.x
Compatible with PHP:
5.6.0 - 7.3.x
Changes in release 4.4.2
- {Optimization}: Order cancelling issue fixed - where order would get cancelled after payment was successful if customer had created another payment for the same cart #424
- {Optimization}: Rounding issue fixed - when creating Mollie payment and there is -0.01 cent difference #419
- {Optimization}: Warnings are no longer displayed in configuration page about cache and rounding settings #416
- {Optimization}: Order creation logic changed for payments without fee (surcharge). Now we add price that was paid and skip awaiting status #419
- {Optimization}: For a transaction that was refunded or had any other status (except paid) and which was not the transaction responsible of creating an order, we are checking if transaction name was changed from mol_***** - if it starts with mol_ webhook calls are ignored #419 & #424