Package for implementing Slack-style "magic auth" links in Laravel
$ composer require montopolis/laravel-magic-auth
In config/app.php inside the providers array...
* Application Service Providers...
* Third-party Service Providers...
$ php artisan vendor:publish
$ vi config/montopolis_magic_auth.php
Use this endpoint to trigger creation of an OTP for the user. The user will be notified via the preselected channel (see montopolis_magic_auth.php
) with either the password, a magic auth link or both (also see config).
POST magic-auth/create
"email": "[email protected]",
"_token": "ABCDEFghijklmnOPQRStuvwxyz1234567890"
200 OK
"message": {
"email": "[email protected]"
After the OTP has been received and forwarded by the user, you can attempt authentication using this endpoint:
POST magic-auth/verify
"email": "[email protected]",
"_token": "ABCDEFghijklmnOPQRStuvwxyz1234567890",
"key": "12345"
301 Redirect
Note: After posting to this endpoint, the Laravel session will be authenticated (if successful).
The user can also be redirected as such to automatically sign them in:
GET magic-auth/[email protected]&_token=ABCDEFghijklmnOPQRStuvwxyz1234567890&key=12345
301 Redirect
Laravel Magic Auth is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.