Developer Pre Release do not use in production!
Installing development Environment
- I recommand using Ruby Version Manager from -
Cloneingn & Install required software: election-counter
cd electoin-counter/
echo 'rvm use 1.9.3@election-counter --create >> .rvmrc'
cd .. & cd - # accept rvm question with "yes"
gem install bundler
bundle install
Setting up APP and initializing with data
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:seed
Start the Server
User Access:
Admin Access:
Username: [email protected]
Password: password
Change this in production Environment!
User have to register themself on the entry page and a Admin has to approve them.
To deploy this app to Heroku follow the steps listed on the following link:
- Add Mailers
- Add Tests & improve tests
- Add fixtures
- cleanup files
- fix some smaller bugs