docusaourus really sucks see other repo
and also check
and also
and also
read the docs what if you have a bodyline under a empty folder?'
rename the index using the regular way
if bodylines are indented, will they affect the row heairchay? no, cuse we sanitize
also fix the overwrite issue
Write a nested list and Docstosaurus will convert it to a hierarchy directoiy structure, files and their content.
By default, Docusaurus will remove the number prefix from the doc id, title, label, and URL paths.
- This line becomes a directory named after this very line
- This becomes a file/folder whose name would start with This becomes a file/folder
- File here or folder. If a line has no children, it becomes a file., unless you check allow empty folders
- Another folder, under /This line becomes/
- This line becomes a file. The lines on the last layer become empty files.
- What Really Files and folders are named after the line they represent, in this case, What Really
- Unless specified, files are
- Back to file, it has no children and is therefore a leaf
- New Folder!
- Look At all these folders
- I love sub folders
- Files are good too
- 1234 You can have digits in your titles! this is a file @#$%^&*()<>? are okay
- By default files are dot em dee
- Wow sub folder
- Files are good too, this file will end up something Files_are_good.MD
- Here is a a file called “hiworld.txt” it will have content written in it.
- Lets write in this file
- All 4 of these bold lines are INSIDE the file. Anything bold gets written INSIDE the file. Bold on the list is Content in the file.
- If you want something in your file to actully be bold just use this instead #@ipsom dorum#@ becomes bold.
- You can even put nested lists INSIDE of files!!! just make it bold!
- What a time to be alive! This is a new empty file! “”
- So long as it's “”
Bullet Points, Numbers, !Letters, !Roman Numbers, Tabs, spaces, or indent.
node = a line in the list
leaf = file = a node with no children
brach = direictoy = folder
deepest layer = no other lines have greater indent
deepest level
fodler strucutre
nested list
root = base_dir = install folder
indent = number of spaces = leading whitepace
will show up on the table of contents on the upper right
Uxd h2 and h3 headings syntax in your bolded text, and it will be in the Docusaurous TOC by default.
internal links for indivual pages, a table of contents for that file will be generated on the top right and the internal links can be nested too! we love nests! use markdown syntax for h1 and h2 headers