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An advanced, but easy to use, platform for writing functional applications in Java 8


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Powerful Streams and functional data types for building modern Java 8 applications. We extend JDK interfaces where possible for maximum integration.

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  • Deep consistent and integrated API across a broad range of key functional types

  • ReactiveSeq extends JDK Stream and offers multiple modes of execution - synchonous, asynchronous, asynchronous with backpressure, parallel and more.

  • Fast Lazy Collection types for efficient functional transformations

  • FutureStreams for parallel I/O

  • Core components for building asynchronous applications

  • Advanced functional features such as for comprehensions and pattern matching integrated into the API

  • Clean simulated Higher Kinded Types via Witness Types

  • Extensions for JDK types : Optional, CompletableFutures and Streams

  • Third party integrations via cyclops modules (including Scala, JavasLang, FunctionalJava, Reactor and RxJava)

Getting started examples


cyclops-react defines an interface ReactiveSeq for advanced Streaming operations. Multiple implementations are provided for synchronous / asynchronous and sequential / parallel streaming within cyclops-react. Use ReactiveSeq.XXX creational methods to build synchronous Streams, or Spouts.XXX creational methods to build asynchronous Streams. For parallel Streaming consider FutureStream.builder().

For alternative implenations backed by popular 3rd party Streaming libraries (such as RxJava Observables and Reactor Flux) see cyclops integration modules. It is also possible to fluently use operators defined in 3rd party libraries with ReactiveSeq (e.g. to fluently make use of any operator defined on Flux).

Sequential Streams, with retry and forEach result + error.

           .forEach(System.out::println, System.err::println);

Mixed Sequential and Parallel Stream

ReactiveSeq.range(0, 1000)
           .parallel(new ForkJoinPool(10),par ->

Single-threaded scatter / gather


Parallel scatter / gather


Replaying Streams

Stream<Integer> stream = ReactiveSeq.range(0,1000)

List<Integer> replayed = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());>"hello  " + i)

Asynchronous stream execution

 Executor ex = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)
 Future<Integer> asyncResult = ReactiveSeq.of(1,2,3,4)
                                          .foldFuture(ex,s->s.reduce( 50,(acc,next) -> acc+next));

Lazy execution using extended Collections

Eval<Integer> lazyResult = ListX.of(1,2,3,4)
                                 .reduce( 50,(acc,next) -> acc+next));

Lazy / terminating fold

           .combine((a,b)-> a ? false : true, (a,b) -> a|b)
           .findFirst(); //terminating reduction on infinite data structure

FutureStream - parallel / async Streaming

new LazyReact(100,100).generate(()->"data") //100 active tasks, 100 threads
                      .map(d->"produced on " + Thread.currentThread().getId())

reactive-streams : Event Driven Push based Streams

Executor exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
Either<Throwable,Integer> resultOrError =    Spouts.publishOn(ReactiveSeq.of(1,2,3,4,5),exec);
                                                   .combine((a, b) -> a < 5, Semigroups.intSum)

In the example above a synchronous Stream is executed on the provided Executor and it's output pushed into another reactive-stream that sums numbers so long as the total remains below 5. Once the total exceeds 5 it's is pushed asynchronously into the returned Either type (alternatively an error may be pushed down instead). The Either type can continue the reactive chain. The code above is completely non-blocking. Streams created using Spouts factory can by default support non-blocking backpressure as defined in the reactive-streams spec.

Backpressure free : Event Driven Push based Streams

 Executor execA = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
 Executor execB = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1);
 Maybe<Integer> resultOrError =    Spouts.observeOn(ReactiveSeq.of(1,2,3,4,5),execA)
                                         .zipP(Spouts.observeOn(ReactiveSeq.of(100,200),execB, (a,b)->a+b)

The Spouts observeOn and async operators create event driven Streams that do not have the overhead of managing backpressure. In the above example the first result is pushed asynchronously into the reactive Maybe type.

To create a synchronous Stream via Kotlinesque Sequence Generators

More info

ReactiveSeq.generate(suspend(times(10),s-> {
            System.out.println("Top level - should repeat after sequence completes!");
            return s.yield(1,
                           () -> s.yield(2),
                           () -> s.yield(3),
                           () -> s.yield(4));

To make use of Operators from Reactor

via cyclops-reactor

import static cyclops.streams.ReactorOperators.flux;
ReactiveSeq<List<Integer>> seq = Spouts.of(1,2,3)

To create a ReactiveSeq instance backed by an RxJava Observable

via cyclops-rx

ReactiveSeq<Integer> seq = Observables.of(1,2,3)
                                      .to(lift(new Observable.Operator<Integer,Integer>(){
                                              public Subscriber<? super Integer> call(Subscriber<? super Integer> subscriber) {
                                                     return subscriber; // operator code

2.x Type dictionary


type description characteristics
Optionals Extension methods, for comprehensions and Higher kinded type classes Higher kinded
CompletableFutures Extension methods, for comprehensions and Higher kinded type classes Higher kinded
Streams Extension methods, for comprehensions and Higher kinded type classes Higher kinded
Semigroups Combiners for a wide range of types
Monoids Combiners with an identity value for a wide range of types

cyclops defines reactive (push/ event drive) and coreactive (iterative / interactive) Streaming capabilities via the interface ReactiveSeq.

There are 4 concrete implementations for this interface included in cyclops-react :-

concrete type factories description characteristics
ReactiveStreamX Spouts Asynchronous push based Streams. Optionally back-pressure aware (via reactive-streams) Reactive (push),Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded
StreamX ReactiveSeq Synchronous sequential stream, extends JDK Stream interface. Custom Stream faster engine. Streams are replayable. Coreactive (pull), Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded, Operator fusion
OneShotStreamX Streams Synchronous sequential stream, extends JDK Stream interface. Custom Stream faster engine. Streams are not replayable. Backed by j.u.s.Stream via jool.seq Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, Higher kinded
FutureStream LazyReact Asynchronous and parallel stream Lazy, async, parallel, Reactive

Additional implementations provided in cyclops integration modules

concrete type factories description characteristics
FluxReactiveSeq Fluxs Asynchronous push based Streams, non-blocking back-pressure aware (via reactive-streams) Reactive (push),Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded, Operator Fusion
ObservableReactiveSeq Observables Asynchronous push based Streams Reactive (push),Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded

Additional implementations provided in cyclops integration modules for RxJava 2

concrete type factories description characteristics
ObservableReactiveSeq Observables Asynchronous push based Streams Reactive (push),Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded, Operator Fusion
FlowableReactiveSeq Flowables Asynchronous push based Streams, non-blocking back-pressure aware (via reactive-streams) Reactive (push),Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded, Operator Fusion

Classes / Interfaces that represent the API (cyclops-react)

type description characteristics
FutureStream Asynchronous and parallel stream Lazy, async, parallel, Reactive
Spouts Creational factory methods for push based Streams with optional non-blocking back pressure (via reactive-streams). Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded, Operator fusion
ReactiveSeq Synchronous sequential stream, extends JDK Stream interface. Custom Stream faster engine. Streams are replayable. Lazy, parallel option, integrated primitive support, replayable, Higher kinded, Operator fusion
Streamable Capturing and caching replayable Stream type Lazy, caching
StreamSource Push data asynchronously into synchronous sequential or parallel Streams (e.g. JDK Stream, ReactiveSeq)


type description characteristics
Future Potentially asynchronous task that may populate a result in the Future Eager async, Higher kinded
SimpleReact Asynchronous bulk operations on Futures Eager async
LazyReact Builder for FutureStreams
Adapter Interface for data transfer Adapters to connected Streams. Closing the adapter, closes the streams (impls - Queue, Topic, Signal) Async
Queue Facilitates asyncrhonous data transfer to mulitiple connected Streams, via any java.util.Queue impl, Continuations toallow consumers to become producers. Async
Topic Asynchronous data transfer to multiple connected Streams, all connected Streams recieve each message Async
Signal Asynchronous data transfer - changes in data are broadcast to connected Streams Async
Pipes Event bus for managing data transfer via Adapters to connected data structures Async

cyclops.control : Sum Types

type description characteristics
Maybe Lazy analogue of Optional (Just/None) Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, tail recursive,sum type, Higher kinded
Try Represents a value or an exception. Only specified Exceptions are caught on creation by default. Eager or Lazy, Optionally reactive, optionally tail recursive, avoids error hiding
Ior Inclusive Or, maybe one of two values or both Eager, sum and product type
Xor Exclusive Or, maybe one of two values, eager analogue of Either Eager, sum type
Either Lazy Either type maybe one of two values, lazy analogue of Xor Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
Either3 Lazy Either type maybe one of three values Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
Either4 Lazy Either type maybe one of four values Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
Either5 Lazy Either type maybe one of five values Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type

cyclops.control : Reactive Sum Types

Complete / push data into Reactive Sum types via complete method

type description characteristics
CompletableMaybe Reactive analogue of Optional (Just/None). Create via Maybe.maybe() Reactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
CompletableEither Reactive Either type maybe one of two values, reactive analogue of Xor. Create via Either.either() Reactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
CompletableEither3 Reactive Either type maybe one of three values. Create via Either3.either3() Reactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
CompletableEither4 Reactive Either type maybe one of four values. Create via Either4.either4() Reactive, Lazy, tail recursive, sum type
CompletableEither5 Reactive Either type maybe one of five values. Create via Either5.either5() Reactive,Lazy, tail recursive, sum type

cyclops.collections (mutable / immutable)

type description characteristics
ListX Functional extensions for working with Lists Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, mutable, immutable, 3rd party support, Higher kinded
DequeX Functional extensions for working with Deques Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, mutable, immutable, 3rd party support, Higher kinded
QueueX Functional extensions for working with Queues Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, mutable, immutable, 3rd party support, Higher kinded
SetX Functional extensions for working with Sets Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy , mutable, immutable, 3rd party support
SortedSetX Functional extensions for working with SortedSets Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, mutable, immutable
MapX Functional extensions for working with Maps Eager, mutable, immutable


type description characteristics
LinkedListX Functional extensions for working with persistent Lists Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, persistent, 3rd party support, Higher kinded
VectorX Functional extensions for working with persistent Vectors Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, persistent, 3rd party support, Higher kinded
PersistentSetX Functional extensions for working with persistent Sets Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, persistent, 3rd party support
OrderedSetX Functional extensions for working with persistent Ordered Sets Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, persistent, 3rd party support
PersistentQueueX Functional extensions for working with persistent Queues Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, persistent, 3rd party support, Higher kinded
BagX Functional extensions for working with persistent Bags (set like collections that allow duplicates) Optionally Reactive or Coreactive,Lazy, persistent, 3rd party support
PersistentMapX Functional extensions for working with persistent Maps Map, persistent, 3rd party support


type description characteristics
Eval Lazy evaluation, optional caching Optionally Reactive or Coreactive, Lazy, tail recursive, Higher kinded
Trampoline Easy to use trampoline implementations (see also Free using SupplierKind) Lazy, tail recursive, concurrent
Writer Monad / Wrapper type that supports the accumulation of a values using a Monoid Eager
State State Monad to manage state / state transformations in a functional manner (backed by Free) Lazy
ReaderWriterState Monad transformer encompassing behaviour from Reader, Writer and State Monads (backed by Free) Lazy
Unrestricted "Java Friendly" implementation of the Free monad for Java, facilitates functional interpreters. Lazy, concurrent

type description characteristics
LazyImmutable Represents a set once only box type Eager execution
Mutable A mutable generic box type Eager execution
MutableInt A mutable primitive box type for ints Eager execution
MutableLong A mutable primitive box type for longs Eager execution
MutableDouble A mutable primitive box type for doubles Eager execution
MutableFloat A mutable primitive box type for floats Eager execution
MutableChar A mutable primitive box type for characters Eager execution
MutableByte A mutable primitive box type for bytes Eager execution
MutableBoolean A mutable primitive box type for booleans Eager execution


type description characteristics
Fn0-Fn8 Extended Function interfaces supporting map / flatMap / applicative operations, currying, partial application, lifting, composition and more
AnyMFn0-AnyMFn2 Type aliases for monadically lifted functions
C3-C5 Additional Consumers
FluentFunctions A fluent API for working with Functions - composition, lifting, AOP and more
Lambda An API for working with anomyous lambda expressions (type inferencing)
Memoize An API for caching pure functions
PartialApplicator An API for Partial Application of functions
Curry / CurryConsumer / CurryVariance An API for currying functions
Monoid A function for combining values of the same type, with an identity value
Semigroup A function for combining values of the same type
Reader A transformable function : useful to implement dependency injection or Singletons in a functional style
Coreader A contravariant reader

Higher level abstractions


type description characteristics
AnyM Type safe monadic wrapper for any monad type Higher kinded
AnyMValue Type safe monadic wrapper for any monadic sum type Higher kinded
AnyMSeq Type safe monadic wrapper for any monadic non-scalar type Higher kinded
Kleisli A functional interface that represents a manipulatable function that takes a value and returns a monad Higher kinded
Cokleisli A functional interface that represents a manipulatable function that takes a monad and returns a value Higher kinded


type description characteristics
ListT Type safe list transformer for manipulating lists in a monadic context Higher kinded
StreamT Type safe Stream transformer for manipulating Streams in a monadic context Higher kinded
FutureT Type safe future transformer for manipulating futures in a monadic context Higher kinded
CompletableFutureT Type safe CompletableFuture transformer for manipulating futures in a monadic context Higher kinded
OptionalT Type safe Optional transformer for manipulating optionals in a monadic context Higher kinded
XorT Type safe Monad transformer for manipulating Xors & Eithers in a monadic context Higher kinded
MaybeT Type safe Maybe transformer for manipulating Maybes in a monadic context Higher kinded
EvalT Type safe Eval transformer of manipulating Evals in a monadic context Higher kinded


type description characteristics
Pure Embed a value inside a type Higher kinded
Functor Transform embedded values Higher kinded
Applicative Apply a function to embedded values Higher kinded
Monad Apply flattening transformations to embedded values Higher kinded
Traverse Invert two nested applicative types (e.g. a List of Futures to a Future with a Lists) applying a function in the process Higher kinded
Fold Reduce embedded values to a single extracted value Higher kinded
MonadZero Filter a monad (e.g. like Optional.filter) Higher kinded
MonadPlus Combine two monads Higher kinded
Comonad Extract values from a context and extend functions to operat at monadic level Higher kinded
Nested Work cleanly with nested types (such as a List of Streams etc) Higher kinded ,Lazy
Active Work cleanly with type classes (captures both the Higher kinded type and all it's type classes to simplify access) Higher kinded ,Lazy
Free Higher kinded implementation of the Free monad for Java, facilitates functional interpreters. Free + SupplierKind (higher kinded Fn0) = a more advanced Trampoline implementation. Higher kinded ,Lazy, tail recursive, concurrent
Yoneda Higher kinded implementation of the Yoneda lemma Higher kinded ,Lazy
Coyoneda Higher kinded implementation of Coyoneda,provides a functor instance for HKT encoded data types, useful when working with Free Higher kinded , Lazy


OSCON 2016 slides


cyclops-react is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.


An advanced, but easy to use, platform for writing functional applications in Java 8







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