Wazapi project started by [wazapi team], built on top of [Node.JS].
This lending and trading system aims to bring the user a new buying and - most importantly - LEGAL lending experiment from and to other users.
- First LEGAL lending system.
- Buy books online and lend them to your friends.
- Rent book to other users.
We are initially supporting firefox and chrome and this is a development repo, other browsers might be less stable until a proper release.
You will need git, node 0.6.x, nodemon and npm to be able to run the following:
Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:mostafaeweda/wazapi.git
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Initialize the mongo db
$ node app.js --init
Start the application using nodemon
$ nodemon app.js
This runs the app locally on: http://localhost:3000