The duo_unix module handles the deployment of duo_unix (login_duo
) across a range of Linux distributions. The module will handle
repository dependencies, installation of the duo_unix package, configuration
of OpenSSH, and PAM alterations as needed.
For further information about duo_unix, view the official documentation.
Clone this repo to duo_unix
$ git clone duo_unix
This module requires stdlib. Refer to metadata.json for the right version.
# duo_unix.pp
class { 'duo_unix':
usage => 'login',
ikey => 'YOUR-IKEY-VALUE',
skey => 'YOUR-SKEY-VALUE',
host => 'YOUR-HOST-VALUE',
pushinfo => 'yes'
puppet apply duo_unix.pp
This module built on and tested against Puppet 6.18 and tested on:
- CentOS 7.x (64-bit)
- CentOS 8.x (64-bit)
If you test the module on other Linux distributions (or different versions of the above), please provide feedback as able on successes or failures.
Caution: The use of this module will edit OpenSSH and/or PAM configuration files depending on the usage defined. These modifications have only been tested against default distribution configurations and could impact your settings. Be sure to test this module against non-production systems before attempting to deploy it across your critical infrastructure.
- Gregg Leventhal
- level99
- Denise Stockman
- Dan Cox
- Mark Stanislav