The try-haxe project is a browser-based IDE for testing Haxe code. It provides a quick and easy environment for playing with the Haxe language and compiles to JavaScript, Flash or Neko, instantly viewable in the browser. It also allows saving and sharing of programs with the auto-generated hyperlink hash-codes.
The official project is hosted at
The try-haxe project is written in Haxe, with part of the application compiling to JavaScript for use on the client, and part of the application compiling to PHP as a backend service. The backend PHP service provides server-side compilation of programs as well as language auto-complete results. The backend uses Docker to enable the use of multiple Haxe versions and macro support.
This guide has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 desktop and server.
Clone this git repo and initialize its submodules:
git clone --recursive -b docker
Install the needed libraries and build the try-haxe
cd try-haxe
haxelib install build.hxml
haxe build.hxml
Install docker following this guide.
Download the docker image that will be used when the compilation is triggered. This image thecodec/haxe-3.3.0.slim
is a stripped down image that only contains the needed functionality to run haxe
and neko
. The server will mount the selected haxe version and the haxelib libraries when compiling.
docker pull thecodec/haxe-3.3.0.slim
Setup Apache and PHP:
- Install Apache and PHP:
sudo apt-get install apache2 php libapache2-mod-php
- Create a symlink from the project root folder to
sudo ln -s `pwd` /var/www
- Create the
folder where the code will be saved:
mkdir tmp
chmod a+rw tmp
- Enable the Apache rewrite module:
sudo a2enmod rewrite
- Edit the Apache configuration file with:
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
- Modify the file adding the
directory configuration:
DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory "/var/www/try-haxe">
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
- Finally restart Apache:
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Create a group docker
and add the users www-data
and your current user to it:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} docker
sudo gpasswd -a www-data docker
Then restart the docker service:
sudo service docker restart
Add the Haxe libraries that will be used by the site inside haxe/haxelib
- Change the
install path tohaxe/haxelib
haxelib setup haxe/haxelib
- Install all the libs from the
haxelib install haxe/haxelib/install.hxml
Add the Haxe versions that will be listed in the site inside haxe/versions
You can use haxe downloader.hxml
to download the latest Haxe development version.