Install the latest version with composer
composer require mrcnpdlk/regon-api
API uses BIR 1.1
Available options:
Parameter name | Description | Is required |
password | Password to REGON api | YES |
wsdl | path to WSDL | NO |
location | path do SVC location | NO |
cacheDir | path do cache directory | NO (system dir cache) |
cacheTtl | cache ttl [sec] | NO (60 sec) |
$oConfig = new Mrcnpdlk\Api\Regon\Config([
'password' => 'my_password',
$oNativeApi = new \Mrcnpdlk\Api\Regon\NativeApi($oConfig);
$oApi = new \Mrcnpdlk\Api\Regon\Api($oConfig);
class implements native GUS methods such like:
- Zaloguj()
- Wyloguj()
- GetValue(ValueEnum $param)
- DaneSzukajPodmioty( string $regon = null, string $nip = null, string $krs = null, array $tRegon = [], array $tNip = [], array $tKrs = [])
- DanePobierzRaportZbiorczy(string $date, ReportCompactEnum $report)
- DanePobierzPelnyRaport(string $regon, ReportFullEnum $report)
class implements usable methods based on NativeApi
- searchByNip()
- searchByKrs()
- searchByRegon()
- getPKD()
- getReport()