S3Backup is a Docker container which backs up one or more folders to S3 using the aws cli tool. This is forked from joch's original S3Backup container [https://github.com/joch/docker-s3backup] but has been modified to make use of the aws cli rather than s3cmd as I had problems getting s3cmd to sync files containing special characters. The AWS cli also seems to have some problems running with python version 2 so this has been updated to version 3.
This container makes use of the "aws s3 sync" command.
To tell s3backup what to back up, mount your desired volumes under the
s3backup is configured by setting the following environment variables during the launch of the container.
- ACCESS_KEY - your AWS access key
- SECRET_KEY - your AWS secret key
- S3PATH - your S3 bucket and path
- S3CMDPARAMS - custom parameters to aws s3 sync [http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/sync.html]
Files are by default backed up once every hour. You can customize this behavior using an environment variable which uses the standard CRON notation.
- set to0 * * * *
by default, which means every hour.
To backup the Documents
and the Photos
directories in your home folder, and
running the backup at 03:00 every day, you could use something like this:
docker run -d -v /home/user/Documents:/data/documents:ro -v $/home/user/Photos:/data/photos -e "ACCESS_KEY=YOURACCESSKEY" -e "SECRET_KEY=YOURSECRET" -e "S3PATH=s3://yours3bucket/" -e "CRON_SCHEDULE=0 3 * * *" mrporcles/s3backup