Utilities to parse book translations in SFM text files (.txt, .rtf, .sfm) into JSON objects, and then write out the books into SFM suitable for Paratext or .tsv. When directories are processed, each book input is written to individual .sfm files.
- Each text file is for a single chapter of a book
- Each directory of files is for a single book
- Text filenames consist of a bookname separated by space/underscore with the chapter number (e.g. Judges_19...txt)
Note for developers: Replace sfm-utils.exe
references with node dist/index.js
Usage: sfm-utils.exe -p p_arg [-f f_arg | -t t_arg | -d d_arg | -j j_arg | -s s_arg]
-p [Paratext project name (can be 3-character abbreviation)]
Optional for processing txt or sfm files - one of:
-f [A single SFM file (can be an entire book)]
-t [A single Toolbox text file (one chapter of a book)]
-d [Directory of Toolbox text files for a single book (one chapter per file)]
-j [JSON file representing a single book - used for testing conversion to SFM]
-s [Directory of directories (each subdirectory is a separate book)]
Optional for processing rich text (rtf) files - one of:
-b [A single rtf text file (one chapter of a book)]
-bd [Directory of rtf text files for a single book (one chapter per file)]
-bs [Directory of directories (each subdirectory is a separate book)]
For additional help:
sfm-utils.exe -h
These utilities require Git, Node.js, and TypeScript (installed locally). Back translations in .rtf text files will also need UnRTF installed for converting the Rich Text format (only works on Linux).
Download and install Git
Download and install the latest current version for Node.js (>=18.12.0)
After installing Node.js, reboot your PC, open Git Bash to this directory and install this project's dependencies:
npm install
This will install TypeScript locally and can be accessed with
npx tsc
This is needed if the source files are .rtf Rich Text Format, and currently only works on Linux. Download at https://www.gnu.org/software/unrtf/#downloading
or on command line:
sudo apt install unrtf
This compiles the TypeScript source files in src/
into Javascript (dist/
To rebuild the project
npm run build
To watch the project and recompile automatically
npm run watch
Note: Our .vscode > tasks.json
comes with "runOptions" of npm run watch
set to "folderOpen", which means that by default, Visual Studio code always calls npm run watch
upon startup in the sfm-utils project, and developers don't have to compile manually.
Open Folder as a VS Code Project
Edit your applicable parameters in launch.json. If using Windows paths, you'll need to escape the slashes (e.g. -j "C:\\somewhere\\to\\text-or-json-files"
This optional step creates a standalone Windows executable sfm-utils.exe
so it can be run without Node.js. Published artifacts will be in the deploy/
npm run publish
Unit tests are run with the AVA test runner. Remember to build sfm-utils before running tests. Terminal output best viewed in VS Code.
npm run test
Copyright (c) 2022-2023 SIL International. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT license.