Open a new Google sheet and import (copy/paste etc./) the report to redact.
Go to Extensions > Apps script in the menu.
In the editor mode, click on Libraries(+) to add a new script library using the id below: It should show up as "RTD Report Redaction" when done.
Script Id: 1zywgWFcfM8CLxSRneM-y3MaQOvEfXaFLpq71uSmpKOIwbBt3BHGuyTMB
Now click on
which should have a dummy function in place. -
Replace the code with the following:
function RedactReport(report) { return RTDReportRedaction.RedactReport(report) }
You should arrive at this outcome at this point:
- Now return to the sheet with your data to redact, use the same formula as
Redact away! Add as many sheets as memory will allow, try importing a xls file directly, voila!
By default, the library is loaded as "HEAD (Development Mode)" which means any changes we make LIVE in the source script, will come through when saved. If there is an error introduced by making changes in the source script, double-click on the library name and select the HIGHEST version number available to return to a published version.
HINT: Maybe you start with the highest number for now regardless.